Saturday, June 30, 2012


Wow, what a visit here in Arizona. Things have been happening non stop. Blessings have been in abundance since our decision to give the "Lightwave" crystal to Ashlem by placing it into the safe keeping of Rev. Bob Copeland. Ashlem is a Tibetian Spiritual Guide that speaks through Rev. Copeland. This is a large very special group crystal and has great healing powers. There is a reason that I am mentioning this as you will see later in the writings.

Our day begin with a visit to our good friend and teacher... Dr. Hannelore Stumpf of Phoenix, Arizona...

She is an anchor of "Light" in the Phoenix area. Although she has retired from the public she is still doing a daily meditation prayer. We had the great honor of attending one last Thursday. During which she rang her healing Tibetian bowl on my back injuries... What an experience... I could feel the healing taking place. And I can truthfully say that I have not experience pain in my back since. I stand in amazement as I have had pain since I was eighteen years of age. My spine was injured in three places from a car accident. Here is a picture of her Tibetian bowls. The large one in the rear is the one she calls her healing bowl. It is amazing...

She also has a large collection of Tibetian bells...

After our visit with Hannelore we returned to Sun Camp where we were greeted by Joyce Provence...

Another dear friend.  Joyce does Iridology and is very gifted at it. This picture of her was taken while she, Bob, Phil and I sat in Bob's living room discussing old times and the Lightwave Crystal. The lamp near the empty chair turned on by itself (so to speak) which was a delight. I welcomed our unseen visitor as Phil put the lampshade back on the lamp so the light would not shine into people's eyes. He had just gotten seated back in his chair when the lampshade shook. The shaking was hard enough for us to know that it wasn't a breeze or something to that effect. I feel that the unseen guest was Ashlem. What a treat !
I would also like to make note that while I was sending the above photo to Mary Jane Holland and telling her about the lamp. When I wrote that I felt it was Ashlem who had turned on the lamp a dust devil from out of no where shook our trailer. It did no damage but did cause a laugh.

We have been on the go for a few days and it is nice to slow down. We have decided to wait until after July 9th before making our way towards Montana to visit Phil's sister "Adella". We have been on the road long enough to have learned that it is hard to find a place to stay during major holidays. So to keep from spending another night in a Walmart parking lot we are not going to leave until after the rush. Meanwhile, we plan another trip to visit our friend Hannelore and to the helping Bob around the camp. As usual, Phil is doing needed repairs. We are indeed dancing with Angels (seen and unseen) to the tune of life..... May Angel Wings Surround You and May You Continue to Keep On Dancing....


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Rev. Bob Copeland returned to Sun Spiritualist Camp Sunday. We were treated to dinner at the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Buckeye, Az. That is a very unique place with antigues and gifts. Naturally, you walk through the temptation of the gifts store before you go into the restaurant part of the building. I was glad that I had left my purse at home.

We unloaded the crystals, books, flat screen tv, and a few other items that we are giving to Bob or the Camp. I say we, but the truth is Phil did all the lifting and carrying of the items.  This should lighten the load that we pull quiet a bit. I also noted that we are still down sizing, learning what is important and what is not. I even went through and toss out all of my "big" clothes. I have one more dress size to drop and I will be back at what I weighed before the thyroid problem. That is a good feeling of accomplishment.

Today, Bob took us out sight seeing in the desert. He took us to see the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant...

As he talked about the founder of Sun Spiritualist Camp and the dream he followed as to it's creation. He was told to look for the sleeping indian. And in the distance there is a mountain that looks like an Indian sleeping...

After showing this to us Bob took us to see the King of Arizona. If you look closely at the right side of this mountain you can see a man's face...

This mountain is part of the Kofa mountain range. They were named for the King of Arizona gold mine, discovered in King Valley in 1896. The mine used to stamp their property "K of A" and hence the name, Kofa. They are arid and rugged volcanic remnants of the Tertiary period.

We then went through the Harquahala Valley area. I was amazed to find so my green in the middle of a desert. There were miles of alfalfa fields, corn, maize, cotton, and plants unknown to me. Most of the fields belonged to Del Monte. That was a total surprise to discover. This a photo I took of an alfalfa field as we passed by...

The secret is water. There are miles of aqua ducts running through the valley to carry the water. This must be how they made deserts flourish in the ancient days of Egypt. As we drove we arrived at a Outback Australian Tree Plantation...

 They grow eucalyptus and other Australian desert trees for market here in Arizona. I was very impressed with their operation. They had mounds of rich black compost, row after row of covered seedlings.

After the valley tour Bob treated us to the history of Tonopah Joe and we sat in the Tonopah Joe Restaurant. He is a photo of Phil playing around...

We thoroughly enjoyed the tour and the history of the area. Including this old building...

Thanks to Bob, we discovered that this was once the Harquahala Courthouse. Can't you just see the law of the west in this old building? Only thing missing is the hitching post.

Well this day has ended and a new one shall begin tomorrow. Meanwhile, remember to keep on dancing...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I have had a stomach infection but I'm starting to feel a little bit better.  At the Santa Rosa State Park in New Mexico we lost our front landing gear in trying to set up at a campsite. The twisting of the trailer due to a poorly designed camp site cause the back fender of the truck to twist. It also totally wrecked the top of Phil's toolbox. We watched another person nearly take out the bottom of his trailer. Can't say that I recommend that camp ground. The water was very low and hard to get to. But they did have a nice boat ramp. I saw my first red snake there. After checking on the internet I think it is a rat snake...

The area around Albuquerque was pretty. It is a large city and things are painted in a southwest theme. The overpasses are gentle on the eyes with their earth tone colors highlighted with a turquoise splash. Even the water tanks are painted southwestern..

We turned onto I-25 at Alburquergue, NM and at Socorro we got on Hwy 60. Now, that was a trip. We had no idea what we were in for but soon discovered we were on a roller coaster that only got more thrilling as we rode it. There was a long valley that the National Radio Astronomy had put up their dishes and they stretched as far as we could see. There was one close enought to the road to get a good picture of it...

 At Show Low, Az we entered the Apache Reservation. It was beautiful with the tall pines and steep canyons. There were signs that stated, "watch out for elk". I watched but never saw one lol. At one point we could smell smoke and thought maybe lightening may have started another fire as a rain had just gone through the area.

The area between Show Low and Globe sorta reminded us of the Grand Canyon only prettier. Then we hit Devil's Canyon. All I can say is wow what a ride. We stopped at several places and looked at the views. There were several places that cars had gone off the road and into the canyon. Here is a photo of one of them...

The road had switch backs and sharp s turns...

We decided to spend the night on a Walmart parking lot in Globe, Arizona. It was a rough night because of the heat. Next morning we hit the road again and made the trip all the way to Tonopah, Arizona. We are staying at The Sun Spiritualist Camp off 355th Avenue and I-10 about 90 miles from Quartzsite.  I've never been a desert person so this is a new experience for me. But an interesting one. There is more life in the desert then I had ever dreamed off. But that is a tale for tomorrow. May Angel Wings Surround you ... and you keep on dancing...

Friday, June 15, 2012


It was a long trip from Oklahoma to New Mexico and it was interesting.   The fun thing about Interstate 40 is that it was the highway that replaced the Route 66 highway.  So that means you get to see the sights that Route 66 is famous for. For example the cars planted in the pasture. Which I saw but didn't get a chance for a photo. I did get to get a photo of the famous giant cross in West Texas...

Between western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle there were miles and miles of wind generators with their blade slowly turning in the wind. I had heard that they were  dangerous to birds. But as I watched them  turning I came to the conclusion that it would be a really stupid bird to fly into a blade. The blades turn too slowly. I don't know if that fact changes during extremely high winds but I do know we had a pretty stiff little wind going on at the time...

When we left Oklahoma there was a rain storm coming in. Somewhere between Amarillo and Santa Rosa we were passed by several storm chasers.  Guess they  chased the storm that dropped the golfball size hail around the Dallas, Tx area...

We saw trains coming and going on the miles and miles of railroad tracks that ran along side the highway. This yellow train caught my eye because of the big American flag that it displayed...

There were miles and miles of views such as this one...

As the sun hung low in the sky we were close to our destination at the Santa Rosa Lake State Park...

We checked into a campsite and discovered that the landing gear wouldn't work so it was a rough night of trying to sleep on a bed that tilted. Had to be careful not to roll over in your sleep or you would roll off the bed onto the floor. We are shortening our stay here so that Phil can get a new landing gear in Phoenix.  The draw tight hitch for the boat needs stabalizing as it is starting to bend. Most of the things needed will be found in Phoenix area.

We went out sightseeing today and took some photos of the park which I will post tomorrow. Meanwhile.... remember "Keep On Dancing"...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here it is, time to think about packing up and moving on. I can imagine how the wagon train women felt as they traveled the west. Constantly setting up and breaking camp. Not my favorite thing. But something I do so that I will have the joy of this chosen lifestyle. The traveling and seeing new places, people and things. I cannot remember when I have been more at peace with life. As you know, Libra Horoscope is the sign of the scales... mine are in balanced and it is a good feeling. I feel blessed.

It has been a great visit here at Lake Thunderbird. Yesterday I went bike riding up to the abandoned park . For the first time I saw signs of life.  Little lizards ran everywhere and one seemed to be leading me in. There were rabbits, several deer, and the birds were everywhere. Life has returned and the curse put upon the land for whatever reason no longer exist. I pray that someday all people will understand the power behind the spoken word. It can create our reality.

And the visit with my daughter has been a wonderful one. I gained a great insight and understanding of her, myself and life. Both she and I have the ruling planet Venus. She is a Taurus and I being Libra have more in common then I ever dreamed. I tend to absorb life while she tends to be experiencing  it. I saw a lot of myself in her. She is living the "homestead" lifestyle that Phil and I once desired when she was young. But most important she is basically happy with her life. Although she would also like to change a few of the experiences she has a good life. That is a heart healer for me.

Yesterday was a good visit with her and her lifemate Tim. Sat and Sunday we had their friends and family stopping in. There was games played, lesson  sessons, and plenty of food and laughter over the last few days...

Here is Phil teaching Mikal (our daughter) some of what he knows about flyfishing.

They took time out and helped to finish up the work on Phil's boat trailer. Tim gave Phil the roller that needed replacing and helped Phil put it in place. This is Phil, Tim and Mikal working on the boat trailer...

Mikal gave Phil his Father's Day present...

I could see his surprise when he opened the silver box and saw it loaded in flies for flyfishing. Later I swapped Tim my catfish "Hog" fishing rod and reel for his fly rod and reel for Phil. Phil was one "Happy Camper". Everybody celebrated... (Even Boston, their Boston Terrier had fun)...

This afternoon we will begin the packing up the outside so that we can hit the road tomorrow. Our plans are to travel to Santa Rosa, New Mexico,within a two day timeframe. Spend a week and then move on to Phoenix, Arizona. Our stop in Phoenix is to visit Dr. Hannelore Stumpf, a very dear friend. To avoid the heat we will move quickly across the western desert states to get to the northern part of California.

Time to close and begin this day.  May Angel Wings Surround You.  No Matter What Beat Of The Drum You Dance To ... May You Keep On Dancing...

Friday, June 8, 2012


What an interesting place we are visiting.   My daughter told me that I am in the section of campgrounds called "Post Oak".   This area is very Native American, more so then I realized. Phil went out bike riding to look around the campgrounds. He found a part of the park was closed off and abandoned. Later when I took the girls for their ride around the park I went up and check out the area he spoke of. I saw that the campsites were very nice at one time...

Other than the lack of upkeep I could see no reason to abandon this section of the campgrounds specially since it set up high with a view of the lake. As I sat pondering the why of it I had the feeling of being watched near the last campsite pictured. Even my dogs started growling. I didn't feel fear but concern for my dogs as Phil had mentioned evidence of a big dog on the road. While leaving I felt someone was following but when I looked no one was there.
On the turn out the gateway the feeling stopped. I never felt threatened only observed. Later, I ran into Robert, the camp host and I asked him about the closed off section. He explained that it was abandoned as a campground because of the state finding out that it contained old Native American burial sites. Having found this out I asked Phil what he felt when he was up there and he said that he had experience the same type of feeling. I have gathered up the white sage, crystals, crystal bowl and some cornmeal to go back and speak with the unseen spirits there. It is time to go into the light. There is no reason to stand guard over the grounds as they are protected now by the state.

Coming down from that area of the park I found a field full of enchinacea (purple cone flower). How beautiful they are,  growing as Mother Nature planted them...

Michel and Tim have arrived. They have taken Phil out for a ride on a pontoon boat to see the lake. They showed him about everything to see and have ran out of gas. lol. I know, shame on me. It's still funny. They are cruising along home at the speed of a trolling motor (which is slow). 

Here is a photo of Michel Benedict and Tim LaBarge. Will post more tomorrow...

Well they made it back home so will close this ... Keep on dancing everyone...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Well finally a good Internet connection. As hard as I tried I couldn't get the last blog online. It was frustrating. I wanted to share so much but couldn't. When I would ride the bike around the park I would stop and visit with an elderly gentleman at his favorite fishing spot. Mainly we talked about fishing and the gators in the river. His name is Warren Scott and he lives in Fulton, Arkansas. I really enjoyed my visits with him. Here is a picture of him...
There were two teenagers that I really did like. A brother and sister.They were a delight to be around. They erased the bad impression I had of the teenage age group of today. Although they gave me their name I didn't write it down and I am sorry I didn't. Here is a picture I took of the girl with Mom and Dad out boating...

If they read this then they will know of whom I speak because of a wii game.  Their father told me about a rattlesnake if I wanted a picture of  it. That was a snake in the grass for sure. I went to where he said the snake was at just as the snake went into the grass. I went around the loop so that I could get a picture of it head on. I was looking at the area that I thought it should be when I happen to look over to my side and there he was watching me.  Ahem, I didn't take the time for that head on shot because I was afraid he would have a hissy fit. I backed off and went back around and took this shot of him. He is a Timber Rattler and very poisonous...
I managed to get a photo of a four to five foot gator during the daylight hours.
Phil knew I wanted a closer photo of a gator so he got an anchor from the boat. Tossed it out into the reeds then shook the rope. He became the Great Gator Whisperer and called one in really close...

Lol, I have a husband that is a gator whisperer and a daughter that is a cow whisperer. Speaking of my daughter, we have arrived at Lake Thunderbird and will meet up with her soon. It was raining most of the way across Oklahoma but we made good time. So we have just about finished setting up camp for the night. It is supposed to be raining here tomorrow as well but I will try to get some pictures to share anyway. Till then... Keep on dancing...

Monday, June 4, 2012


I am going to once again make an attempt to write a blog. This time with crossed fingers in the hopes I can get it uploaded so that everyone can view it. It is not easy typing with crossed fingers lol. But seriously the service here is really bad.

There really isn't much to speak of here in this park. It is basically empty of people and it isn't very big compared to other parks we have stayed. The trees, sky, and river are about all it offers beside peace and quiet. In the evening the gators start singing along with the frogs. A couple of nights ago we listened to a mama bobcat chirping to her kittens over on the island across the river from us. The island is where the gators stay. During the still of the evening just as the sun sinks low you can see them coming through the grass and lilies out into the open waters. Yesterday we watched two that came out directly across from our campsite. The first was a small four or five footer. Then came one that we estimated to be around eight foot in length. It was a bummer that I couldn't take pictures of what the eye was seeing. My camera wouldn't focus in because of the reflections on the water and the darkness. But I did manage to get a picture of the big gator that does show a gator swimming...

As far as fishing goes, not worth bragging about unless it would be the two black bass, a few perch, a clam, and a gator getting tangled in the fishing line. That was an experience, the gator took the pole right out of the rod holder. It broke the line and I wasn't sure what Phil had caught. Took a while to figure out what hit the line. And no, I am not joking about catching a clam on a fishing pole. Phil went to reel in my line and check it. He said that clam put up one hell of a fight lol. He knew he had something heavy on my pole and when he got it in he got a big laugh. He left it on the pole until it opened back up and then he freed it back into the river. Now that is some kinda experience... not everyone can say they caught a gator and a clam in the same day lol...
This is a work day for me, yuck. I have to clean house, finish the wash, bath the dogs, and cook. Wednesday we leave this park and head for Lake Thunderbird where we will meet up with our daughter. The way the internet is acting this will be the last blog from this area. So we will see you on Thursday at Lake Thunderbird, Oklahoma. Remember.... Keep on dancing with the angels...

Friday, June 1, 2012


Good Morning Everyone... hope this day brings lots of joy and love into your life. We have pretty well settled in here. I have discovered that the internet comes and goes. Right now I have two bars on the hotspot so although it is slow I can use it. We have the 4G Verizon Mifi HotSpot and a antenna booster. No one else has internet service.

There isn't very many campers here in this park. At the far end there are a couple with their two teenage grandsons. Had to laugh at those boys trying to catch minows with aquarium fish nets. We had a bit of a cold front blow in so the fish are not biting. Had to put on a jacket in order to sit outside last night.

Here is another picture of the river. This one is taken just off the front porch looking up stream...

This is a photo of the surprise we found on the dirt road coming to White Cliffs.  A local farmer was gathering up wood from a tree that was cut up and pushed to the side. We stopped and talked with him.

This is a picture of the road to White Cliffs taken from inside the truck. I don't know where the cliffs are but as you can see there is a lot of white limestone in this area

Here Phil is finishing setting up the campsite and SuYang (the little dog) is enjoying the outside...

Phil put the party lights down at the fishing bank so that he could fish at night...

Today Phil is going to go into Ashdown for supplies. Being that there isn't many here in this campgrounds and they have an open door policy I have chosen to stay and watch camp.  Guess I had better close off while I still have good connections... Remember.....