Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The park we are staying in is called the Louis and Clark Trail State Park, Dayton, Washington. It is located twenty five miles northeast of Walla Walla and just a few miles from Dayton on highway 12. After miles and miles of wheat fields it is a little oasis of green...

Here is an example of what the scenery looks like outside of the park...

Just behind our campsite runs the Touchet River...

In most places the river is less then knee deep, mostly hits just above the ankle but I have found the swimming hole. It is so nice in the heat of the day to just stand out in that cold water. Leaves you refreshed and invigorated for the rest of the day. It is so much warmer down here in the southeastern corner of the state compared to the northwestern corner. We didn't turn on the airconditioner there. I am not complaining because it still beats the Texas heat, hands down.

I took the girls for their ride around the park yesterday and got some nice photos. Seems there are three orphaned mule deer fawns living here in the park. Two are twins and have been here for a few months...

The youngest fawn is a new comer to the park...

There are also three great horned owls that live in the park. While doing my morning meditation I chanced to hear a sound. Looking around and then up I spotted who was watching me...

He wasn't afraid of me and never did fly away... (Maybe after I left he did lol). He looks sort of like a little ole man wearing an english type cap. I love the electric bike for taking photos. It runs so silent that most animals just sit and look at you. Makes for some great photos of them.

Tomorrow we start our journey to Priest Lake in Idaho. It will be a long drive but should be worth the trip. It is a beautiful large lake below the Canada border. Lots to do between now and in the morning so will shut this down for the day. Remember enjoy life while you have it.... Just KEEP ON DANCING no matter what gets in your way... YOU CAN HANDLE IT.... SO... "DANCE ON!