Thursday, July 19, 2012


With the town of Hamilton, Montana in our rearview mirror we were on the road to our next great adventure. There were many stops to look at different campgrounds but none felt right so we continued our climb up into the mountains. The scenes that unfolded before us were amazing and absolutely gorgeous. We topped one mountain to find before us the biggest lake in Montana called "Flathead Lake". It was huge, not expecting such a view I didn't have the camera ready. Shame on me! By the way, the lake is not named for the flathead catfish but rather for the Flathead Tribe of Native Americans. We passed through the Flathead Reservation. Just the other side of the Flathead Lake is the Hungry Horse Reservoir. It is not as wide but close to the same length as Flathead Lake. It has six state parks, three on each side. We are on the east side. I guess you would say we are boondocking. No water, no electric, but there are restrooms. We have electricity using the Honda generator. The park in which we chose to camp at happens to be closing down next Tuesday for renovations. It hasn't been mowed in a while so the grass is high but the good news is that it isn't costing us to stay here. Once again, the Angels are looking out for us.

It is about twenty miles to West Glacier which is on the Canada border.  This area still has some snow on the mountains...

There is an island behind our campsite where a pair of osprey are nesting. They sound alot like the bald eagle. Hearing them drew my attention so I got some pretty good photos. After studying the photos we noticed the black eye stripe and lack of a white tail. Which meant they are osprey and not eagles. Both are big beautiful birds. There is a young one that stays near the nest while the other comes and goes at will. Here are their pictures...

This area is full of beautiful wildflowers, bushes with redberries. As well as  other plants that are putting on fruits. I have not noticed the blue huckleberries that we saw around the Idaho and the Hamilton area.
Although I do see the result of the Asian pine beetle it is less in this area. Resulting in a beautiful view in any direction you chose to look. The green of the grasses and flowers are refreshing to the spirit. But the pristine water in the lake is a sight for the soul. Sometimes it looks like the blueiest of blues and at other times it is emeral green. And so clear it is as if you are looking through glimmering glass...

This has been the real test of the real test of the antenna that we bought for the Verizon Hotspot 4G. It is hard to believe that we have Internet way out here. I guess if we can put a man on the moon then we get the Internet there

I will write more about this area as we will spend a week here. Today I went out with the camera so I have some beautiful photos to share with you. May Angel Wings Lift You and Carry You When The Path is Rocky. May You Keep On Dancing...