Friday, August 30, 2013


Phil and I had both come to the conclusion that he needed an electric bike so that we could ride together. Going up hills was no fun and he would have to push the bike he has. The idea was to wait until winter and then find one that we could afford. But a few days ago I felt an urging to check and see what was on Craig's List. The first thing I saw was one for $150 in the Joplin, Mo. area. That was a do-able price and things proceeded from there. We went three days later and got Phil's bike. As most know... Craig's List is first come first served so we felt very blessed that the bike did not sell out from under us. People were asking but no one bought it. Then we met the seller.... Peter Dinh...

Peter is studying to become a priest. It was destiny that our paths were to cross and the bike brought us together. I won't go into depth about it as I know he will continue his training and will be a great priest. Many are called but few are chosen.... God Bless You and Be With You, Peter...

Peter told us about the Station of the Cross Gardens and so we took a tour of it......Wow!!!

The marble statues where magnificent and the garden was so beautiful...

There were many angels in the gardens...
We had a great time going through the garden and met a couple of the caretakers. They are also studying to become priest. I felt a positive energy about the whole grounds and the people there radiated it. Really hated to leave ...

Naturally, no garden is complete without the koi pond. The two guys above were cleaning out the filters and all the koi were in the bottom pond. Lots of koi as you can see...

 Not only were there a massive about of fish but some of the fish themselves were massive... as this great white beauty...

The next day Phil went to work on his new bike...He adjusted this, fixed that, and put in new batteries...

After a test drive he has decided to purchase a second battery to give it more zip. It is sluggish up hills but the great thing is that we can ride together around the parks... I am so happy that he has this electric bike!
While I'm sharing I thought I would share this with you also. This is a photo of Phil feeding the wild geese. They love maize which is used for baiting up the big catfish so he keeps it on hand...
The only problem with the geese is that they are really messy birds. I really didn't want them taking over the beach in front of us. But my little Shihtzu, "SuYang" decided to become a bird dog. As soon as I let her outside she zipped out the fence and chased the geese out into the water...
Then she stood guard to make sure they stayed out there... lol. Gotta love her!...

We are living such a wonderful life that it is hard sometimes to remember that there are wars and rumors of wars going on in the world around us. We have met only friendly positive minded people. We are so blessed. Never in my wildest dream did I think I could be this happy. I can't say that life is perfect but I can say that life is great and I am happy. I know that I truly dance with the angels to the tune of life. It is wonderful to know that I am surrounded by angels walking in flesh... as well as spirit. Life is