Friday, April 20, 2012


Thank God it's friday lol... it has been a very difficult finding the time and subjects for the blog this past week.  Yesterday was a work day for wash and house cleaning while at the same time being hostess to Jim and Dorothy, along with the normal chores of cooking and tending pets. Super woman I am... NOT.

Phil has been hard at work getting the  damaged boat trailer fixed so we can travel and not lose the boat on these bumpy roads.

When I first sat down to write I was at a loss for words to write but then I looked out the window at my view. I realized how blessed I am.  I know the Angels are looking out for me. The view is important, I am a country gal through and through. I find cities depessing as I crave the wide open spaces and nature. But although I am staying in an RV Park next to a busy hiway my view is still of nature. Out side the window I am reminded of the the lowly weed... the primrose (or buttercup as some call it)...

Some people see this plant as a pestky weed and the seek to destroy it.  But there are those that see the beautiful flowers. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is beauty in everything if one would but stop and look.  Then there is the view behind our trailer....

Rather then having to look at a white washed wall as most are forced to see I have been giving this beautiful well tended back yard that looks like a park. There is a beautiful huge oak tree for shade.  It is a peaceful setting. We also have more grass and less rock on our site.

Taking all of this in to account I begin to realize how blessed I am and I know this shall be another wonderful day. I pray that you also are as blessed in life and that your day is a great one... Angel wings around you.