Monday, May 14, 2012


Today was a beautiful sunny day but a disappointing one. It was Mother's Day and not a word from my daughter or son. I did get a beautiful card from Phil so Mother's Day wasn't a total loss. Oh well.

Took a walk down to the pier this afternoon and shot a few pictures. Seems today was the day the female red ear slider turtles chose to go up the hill to lay their eggs...

Once again the photo doesn't do the size justice. This was a big turtle. In the photo she is leaning over looking up at me... funny to watch her. The name comes from the red patch of skin around the ear. The slider part of the name comes from their ability to quickly slide off of whatever they are on into the water. As soon as I left her I found another one that was bigger yet. Later I saw two more but didn't take their pictures...

I had a bit of excitement when two river otters came out of the brush to eat at the waters edge. But my excitement quickly faded as I realize they were not otters but were nutria instead. They were not very large as nutria go and I would guess about half grown. For those not familiar with a nutria is a member of the rodent family. It was imported into the U.S. back in the 1930 and 40's.  They were brought in for their fur and soon escaped and now they are a invasive species that can cause a lot of damage to the land. They are host to a parasite that can infect the skin of humans causing dermatitis similar to strongyloidiasis. It is called "nutria itch".  I didn't try to get closer for they can be very aggressive if threatened...

They left the area when Phil put the borrowed canoe into the water.

I chose not to take my camera and go out with him on the canoe.  So I took a couple of pictures of him fishing on the lake..

That was the last I saw of him until a couple hours later when he came home soaking wet. He tipped the canoe and went for a swim. Sure glad I didn't go with my camera. Once he got his phone cleaned and packed in rice to try to save it he went back out fishing. I stayed at home and worked on a logo for the owner of the campgrounds. This what I came up with...

I had the drawing of the bass because I had used it on the steps that Phil uses. It was just a matter of putting the look together. I knew that whatever I designed would have to work for business cards, signs, and for the webpage so the logo had to be simple. That should give them a new look.

Oh my, I just looked at my clock and it is Monday already lol. Only 12:11 Am but the blog will list this as Monday lol. That said I am out of here and off to bed.

May angel wings surround you and you keep on dancing through life with the angels too.....