Friday, May 18, 2012


Not much is happening so there isn't much to talk about. We haven't gone anywhere so I haven't taken new pictures. Phil has been busy occupying himself with working on the boat motor. He is still waiting on a part that he ordered. He was unhappy with the results of the camera that he has. So, he is getting an early Father's Day present. I went online and found a 16 mega pixel Nikon camera with a 5X zoom for him. It is being shipped to him.

Our next move will be to Milwood Lake above Texarkana, TX.  Got our spot reserved for the Memorial Day weekend. Most everything gets booked up fast for holidays... goes to show we are learning lol.

There is supposed to be over one hundred boy scouts running around the camp this weekend. They booked the tent area. They have to be pretty brave to sleep in a tent at the water's edge here. Phil was told that two houses down there is a ten foot alligator and on the other side of us is another one...

Here are a couple of pictures taken on our "Uncertain" visit. This is the totem pole for the Caddo Lake.  There is the Ivory Billed Woodpecker on top, a Caddo Native American, a catfish, a frog, and an alligator on the pole. Can you spot them all?

Took a picture of a couple of cranes yesterday. The blue gray one is a Great Blue Heron. It is huge. At first I thought I was looking at a sand hill crane because of the size...

Phil said that he saw a beaver up close while he was out in the canoe. It saw him, slapped the water with his tail and was gone.  He also saw the eagle that I've been hearing. We are not far from the State Wildlife area. Yesterday, I watched something really big moving underwater not far from the pier. After hearing about the gators nearby I think that is what I saw moving underwater.

May Angel Wings Surround You and May You Keep On Dancing To The Tune of Life...