Sunday, July 29, 2012


The sun is hanging low as it peeks through the forest casting light upon the shadows. It has been a peaceful day. Almost makes me want to curl up with a good book. The park has emptied of the weekend campers.
Yesterday, we needed to purchase gas for the generator and a few food supplies. So we drove up Highway 20 until we found a large food market. Most small towns have small grocery stores but the prices are high as well the price of gasoline. It was a nice drive with lots of beautiful sights along the way. There was one waterfall that was high up on the snow topped mountain that was georgeous. I took two photos of it. In the close up of it you can see the beauty but not the height, nor the river below the mountain. Still this photo is the best for sharing...

We passed a herd of elk and Phil stopped in the wildlife viewing area so that I could get a picture of them. They were quiet a distance away and I couldn't get the zoom any closer without bluring the image. After I took the photo they spooked and took off for the woods...

Just down the road aways there is a ranch that raises buffalo. They were resting and grazing. Phil dropped me off, went down the road and turned around to pick me back up. I got several nice photos of them. But I think the one I like best is the mama with twins. In the next photo you can see it was a fairly large herd. I didn't get them all in one photo as they were scattered out...

We spotted a little realestate store that was very dressed out with an eagle mural on one side and a driftwood fence on the other. Here is the mural...

The fence looked like someone had drug it up from the river and then carved faces and animals out of it. Guess we know what they do in the long winters up here lol. But seriously, the carvings show talent and are great...

The store also had carved logs out front of it. But I think the best wood carving other then the faces on the driftwood fence has to be the wooden indian in the next town. It stood out front of another realtor's log cabin office...

Earlier in the day Phil took me to see the historic cave that is inside the park area. It was used many years ago by the Native Americans of this area. This photo of it doesn't do it justice as you cannot see the size nor depth...

Here is Phil being the tourist guide lol...

It seems that all of the weeds here have beautiful blooms. I have no idea what the names of them are but here is on example...

While we were shopping Phil caught a fresh salmon right out of the supermarket. He grilled it on an outside fire today and we feasted like royalty. The salmon was acompanied with baked potatoes and salad. That was the first time I had tried salmon that had not been frozen. I am hooked lol.

Well, once again it is that time so I will say.... May Angels Wrap Their Wings Around You and May You Dance Through Life...
Keep On Dancing!