Thursday, October 10, 2013


What a beautiful time of the year here in this area.  We have been here at this campground before and really enjoyed it. But it was nothing compared to this time of year. It is magnificent in it's beauty. There is wildlife in abundance, autumn color to the foliage, a hint of the winter to come, and the serenity of peace in the air. This time of year has always been special to me. Maybe it is because I was born in autumn. I really don't know.. but I know that I love the feel of autumn and that feel is intensified when I am surrounded with nature's abundance of beauty. As a child I remember the anticipation of the holiday's ahead... Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Now, as an adult I look upon those same holidays differently but I still have that inner child that enjoys the feel of the season. I hope that you can still feel the season's gifts to your inner child and that you will take a deep breath of the renewing spirit that is in the air. Here the air can be seen as it forms fog clouds that lift up into the sky...the mist is in the air...

We spent a couple of days checking out the other parks here around the lake.  That was a lot of fun. Some of the parks were pretty and would work for us but a few were taken off our list. Coming back from the Buckley Park we spotted these wild turkey crossing the road. They were quite a way up the road so this photo is about at the end of my zoom lens possibilities. A little farther away and they would have been a blur crossing the road...
Even though the truck's hemi motor is loud Phil still managed to get a bit closer for me to get a better shot of them... Now, this is the way to shot wild turkeys.. no mess, no loss of life, and makes great eye candy lol...
This is a flock of whooping cranes that Phil spotted flying over our camp looking for a nice landing spot. By the time I saw them, ran into the house and grabbed the camera, they were on the other side headed up another arm of the lake. Not perfect but proof that they were here...
This osprey was so high up everyone thought it was a buzzard circling the sky.  Thus, there is a lot of noise (spots) in the sky and the blue is rather blotchy looking because of it. But it is an osprey looking for fish in the lake below...
This is an original grumpy ole man... He likes to land at the beach in front but doesn't like us there. As you can see from the photo he is looking back at me on the ledge...I'm not sure what he said but he wasn't happy about it ... for sure!
I almost cry when I remember this little turtle. He was headed straight toward the cliff and would have fallen onto the rocks below. So me in my wanting to rescue him from that fate, may have caused his death. I picked him up and move him to another area of the park thinking he was safe there. But later Phil informed me someone ran over him. He was coming back. It is so sad that his life was taken so needlessly...
Below is one of the areas that we chose not to stop at.  We were headed to the Lena Campgrounds and were informed that it was closed. The man that was informing us told us of his private campground. Very primitive but had water and electric at the sites. It need mowing badly, the sites were unleveled and looked unkept. But the real clincher to us not wanting to stay was the price and no lake water...
We are very spoiled with our lake front views...
Well, I started this blog when I first got up this morning and it is now ten past three in the afternoon. While waiting on photos to upload I have cleaned and vacuumed the house, baked a chicken with chestnut dressing, and ate. Time to call this blog done. So I am kicking back and resting awhile...
That's it for the day... so.....