Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I just realized that I have lost track of time. Here it is Tuesday and I have been so wrapped up that I have not even thought about the blog. Tomorrow is our last day here at Clallam Bay, Washington. We have been blessed with some wonderful neighbors, Jan and Ray Burley. They are locals as they live in Salkum, not far down the highway. Jan reminds me alot of my sister Shirley and Ray reminds me of my cousin Benny Joe. It was an instant like and they proved to be fantasic neighbors.  I will miss them. Ray went out fishing and showed us some of his day's catch. He caught a King Salmon that would not fit into the cooler... I think it was 18 pounds...

They shared some salmon and whitefish with us. Jan taught me how to cook it the way she does and it was great! Thanks, Jan.

We took a trip around the peninsula on the Highway 101 Loop. It was an all day trip of around 35o miles. Coming around the Pacific Ocean side we went through three rainforests. It was a bit of a shock to see so much of the land had been clearcut. They have replanted in most areas but the growth of large trees take years. In one section just coming out of a rainforest Phil had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting a young wolf pup that ran across the road in front of the truck. It didn't look old enough to be weaned so somewhere close there had to be little mates and/or mama. What a privilage to get to see him so close up. Naturally, it happened so fast that I never had a chance to get a photo of him. The fog hung around the coastal areas all day but I did manage to get a few good photos. Here is one of the pacific coastline...

We stopped at the Timber Museum in Forks so that I could get a photo or two...

The log hut...

But in all our driving around the loop I really think that we are staying at the best spot. We have the beach directly in front of us. From the kitchen window I get to watch the activities that take place there. I love watching the children with the treasures that they find. Even Phil has been beachcombing for treasures also. Here he is with the first starfish he found...

I think my greatest find was the leopard seal warming it's self on a rock...

Tomorrow is going to be a work day, packing up and getting things ready for the ride down the road to the next place somewhere in Oregon. We are going to the Portland area but haven't made up our minds as to the exact location. Our two week stay here has been wonderful. Listening to the waves crash against the shore has been soothing to the soul. But I am ready to see what is at our next stop. America has so much beauty everywhere you look. The towns are unique and the people we have met have been great. Life is good when you spend it dancing with the angels... Those you can see and those that you can not... does not matter... Just Keep On Dancing....