Sunday, October 27, 2013


It is Saturday and has rained all day today.  There is no going outside so cabin fever is starting to set in. It is too early to go to bed, there is no television, so it's either do the blog or watch movies on the computer. I have chosen to try to work on the blog. We will be leaving here next Tuesday and will start our journey back towards Arizona. I am looking forward to civilization again. We are far out in the backwoods here. Love it but after awhile you just need to know that there is a big wide world out there. lol. I've really enjoyed the people I've met here and the critters that abound. Like this little river otter...

He (or maybe she) tends to show up just as dark starts to set in for the night.  The little lazy bones sleeps all day and plays all night.  When he comes over you can bet something new is on the beach. He is so curious about everything and everyone. When he is moving fast he looks like a big snake because of the wave behind him...

Once in a while I get to see the doe and her fawn go out to the point for a evening drink. Most photos don't allow you to see them clearly because they tend to blend into their surroundings. But the light was just right when I took this shot. The doe is starting to go behind the rock and up the path. When I called out to them the fawns both stopped and watched me for quiet some time...

But that too ended and they went up the hill. Leaving me with wonderment at the beautiful scene I had just watched unfold before my eyes...

Phil came inside to ask if I could tell what was swimming out in the middle of the river channel. I watched it long enough to think I might have the answer but went back to grab my camera for the zoom ability. But coming back outside I found it had gone under.  Shortly afterwards I spotted an eagle trying to get something that was in the water. He would hover, dive, and circle. Many attempts went array and the fish escaped his talons...
Then when he swung down low over the surface of the water in another try I saw the white jug. Which meant that I was right about what I thought Phil had seen... a catfish swimming at the end of a line tied to a gallon milk jug... This eagle is running trot lines... lol.  So, heads up all you fishermen... if you think someone is running your trot lines it just could be an eagle...

Every time the eagle got close the jug would go under as the catfish went down into deeper water. It was beautiful to watch such a big bird hover... I have yet to figure out how he did it. It was as if he was doing a dance in the air... so graceful...He finally gave up...

 Looking down I saw Phil had stopped fishing and was talking pictures also...

Earlier that day we had to go to town for groceries so we went to Collier's Springs for water. Then went by Wegner's Crystal Ranch (Mine) to check them out. First thing we noticed was the crystals all over the gateway post. This is the gate...

 Once you make the bend in the road this is the next thing you see...

The front of the barn had tables and tables of rocks, glass, and crystals. Then around and under the tables are the larger specimens...
Inside crystals, rocks, and minerals are wall to wall.  Here is a nice smoky quartz ...

 We were really shocked to see how much crystals have risen in price since our last visit in 1992. The crystal in this photo is smaller than the one we paid eleven dollars for. Check out the price tag...

At the rear of the barn are two crystals that can take your breath away.  I was transfixed when I saw them... OMG...

To give an estimate of their size I asked Phil to stand next to the first point.  Are they not mind blowing? Definitely not pocket crystals...

Once again it is that time... internet connection has slowed past slow. I have been working on getting this post up most of the day. Started about three in the afternoon and it is now one am. So... I'm off to bed to dream the dreams of tomorrow's dance...
Don't forget...........................