Monday, September 17, 2012


Well, we made it from Priest Lake down to the Cove Recreation Park at CJ Striker Lake. It was a trip getting here tho. We drove past the major fire areas that were so sad to see the damages to the land on so many acres. I know fire only brings new growth but still to see the land charred is hard to view. At the Salmon River fire and at the Sheep fire area we were amazed to see how the firecrew save building and homes. The smoke was really extreme in the valleys. Here one of the Salmon River fire areas...

Wednesday night we spent sleeping in a roadside rest area. The distance was under estimated.  But we got up early and made the rest of the way.  

The second day here there was a jet ski accident killing a woman and her son is in critical condition. That was so sad. We could do no more than say a prayer for her and her son. We also said a prayer for those she left behind...

This has to be the hardest blog I have tried to write  as I am sitting up at the host site trying to get this online. I now know what the camp host has to put up with lol. People see you and start asking the question.  Man, is it hard to concentrate. Several times I find myself stopping and looking out over the lake and distant hills to gather my thoughts again.
The host and hostess of The Cove were a delight. We really enjoyed meeting them. They left for home Sunday so it was a short getting to know one another but a great one. We will see them again. Here is Rodney and Jane Rutherford of Beaver Dam, Idaho...
The Cove is one of several parks around this lake but in checking out others I think it is the best. It is BLM land and the fee is ten dollars a day use but with the Senior Pass it is only six dollars... not bad for the fantastic views . Just watch out for the thorns on the end of the leaves on the Russian Olive trees. Such as these at our campsite...
Here are a couple more views of the area...
It is time to close this and it will be my last blog until after our next move down the road. We will leave here Thursday. I am not sure where we will stop next but I do know that we are heading towards Phoenix . We will spend one more week at a campground before we arrive there. So I will close with one more beautiful sunset.... at the cove...
We have now danced with the Angels across eight states. Seen so much and experienced alot.  And the most important thing is that both Phil and I are having the time of our lives. We feel blessed to be able to experience this lifestyle and to meet so many new friends.  I miss not having a phone most of the time but life is good in spite of that. I have found a new joy in life. So, to each of you reading this...remember to find joy in life... As long as your heart beats you have the rhythm of life... DANCE ON...