Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here it is, time to think about packing up and moving on. I can imagine how the wagon train women felt as they traveled the west. Constantly setting up and breaking camp. Not my favorite thing. But something I do so that I will have the joy of this chosen lifestyle. The traveling and seeing new places, people and things. I cannot remember when I have been more at peace with life. As you know, Libra Horoscope is the sign of the scales... mine are in balanced and it is a good feeling. I feel blessed.

It has been a great visit here at Lake Thunderbird. Yesterday I went bike riding up to the abandoned park . For the first time I saw signs of life.  Little lizards ran everywhere and one seemed to be leading me in. There were rabbits, several deer, and the birds were everywhere. Life has returned and the curse put upon the land for whatever reason no longer exist. I pray that someday all people will understand the power behind the spoken word. It can create our reality.

And the visit with my daughter has been a wonderful one. I gained a great insight and understanding of her, myself and life. Both she and I have the ruling planet Venus. She is a Taurus and I being Libra have more in common then I ever dreamed. I tend to absorb life while she tends to be experiencing  it. I saw a lot of myself in her. She is living the "homestead" lifestyle that Phil and I once desired when she was young. But most important she is basically happy with her life. Although she would also like to change a few of the experiences she has a good life. That is a heart healer for me.

Yesterday was a good visit with her and her lifemate Tim. Sat and Sunday we had their friends and family stopping in. There was games played, lesson  sessons, and plenty of food and laughter over the last few days...

Here is Phil teaching Mikal (our daughter) some of what he knows about flyfishing.

They took time out and helped to finish up the work on Phil's boat trailer. Tim gave Phil the roller that needed replacing and helped Phil put it in place. This is Phil, Tim and Mikal working on the boat trailer...

Mikal gave Phil his Father's Day present...

I could see his surprise when he opened the silver box and saw it loaded in flies for flyfishing. Later I swapped Tim my catfish "Hog" fishing rod and reel for his fly rod and reel for Phil. Phil was one "Happy Camper". Everybody celebrated... (Even Boston, their Boston Terrier had fun)...

This afternoon we will begin the packing up the outside so that we can hit the road tomorrow. Our plans are to travel to Santa Rosa, New Mexico,within a two day timeframe. Spend a week and then move on to Phoenix, Arizona. Our stop in Phoenix is to visit Dr. Hannelore Stumpf, a very dear friend. To avoid the heat we will move quickly across the western desert states to get to the northern part of California.

Time to close and begin this day.  May Angel Wings Surround You.  No Matter What Beat Of The Drum You Dance To ... May You Keep On Dancing...