Monday, August 6, 2012


I love this life and my kitchen window. It is my window to the world being that I am staying inside and cleaning. Still doing the washing but the carpets have been shampooed and the girls have been bathed. I decided to give the whole house and everything in it a good going over after my mouse experience.

From my kitchen window I watch the cruise ships coming in and going out.  Their lights at night are something to see.  Then there are the cargo ships and barges that travel the strait. I watch fishing boats of all shapes and sizes. Along comes an occasional white sail of a sailboat. The children running on the beach hunting for treasures being followed by the adults at the water's edge. I watch the fog roll in and listen to the sounds of the fog horns. I can also see the Lighthouse lights shining over the point beyond this little harbor town.

As I was preparing my lunch today and finishing up washing the breakfast dishes I glanced out the window to see a young immature bald eagle swoop down on a flock of seagulls that were sitting on the beach. I watched as the gulls took flight and he turned to come back through the center of them. Then I grabbed my camera and took off outside.

What I think happened is that the young eagle in his inexperience lost his hold on the gull  he caught causing it to fall back into the water. I was in time to see the eagle circle and come back for another swoop on the gull. This first photo shows what I am seeing from the patio...

The next photo is a close up of the eagle. Same photo, I just enlarged one section of it. When you look closely you can see the attack on the gull.The gull has it's wings up in the air...

The gull is flaying it's wings and the eagle's inexperience causes him to miss. He flies back up into the air, circles and returns for another try.

After three tries to recapture his lunch he gives up. Here he is sitting on the beach watching his lunch swim off...

Then from over the tree tops comes it's sibling to try it's luck at snatching the gull from the waves...

After three tries the sibling also gives up and lands beside the first young eagle. Both young eagles stand and watch the gull escaping...

The gull is injured and can not fly but there is nothing wrong with it's feet and it is making good time heading towards the rock jetty. I wonder if the poor gull is doomed to a life of flightless hardtimes or a slow death when I see the adult bald eagle fly down and circle back toward the gull.

As she lines up for the kill I realize that it is for the best. The poor seagull will not suffer a slow death and will have the chance to be reborn to once again soar the skies in freedom. Who knows maybe next time it will be the eagle.  
May The Angels Surround You  With Love, Joy, and Peace.
May You Always Dance With The Angels...