Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday At The Park

The park is full  and people are everywhere.  Lots of tent campers as well as RVS. This morning I went to the long pier only to find it pack with sight seers and fishermen. So I didn't go all the way out. Instead I watched the children on the beach playing in the waves.

The winds were perfect for flying kites and there were many of them in the air. This photo is of a little boy's first time to fly a kite. I wish I could have recorded his joy when he finally got the kite up into the air...

Farther down the beach there were men standing out in the surf near the jetties fishing. The beach was fast filling up as people were taking advantage of the perfect weather for a beach outing. 

While coming back to the camp site I passed a splash of pink. So I turned around to check it out. I found a beautiful wild flower...

This island has many hidden flowers. I have found pink, blue, and white morning glories as well as the flowers above. Oleanders of white and pink grow wild, especially over on the Elmer's Island area. And there are many more flowers growing wild.

Tomorrow we make the move into town and are booked there for nine days. That will make the necessary change in our scheduling to allow us to get off the weekend traveling. During the week there is less traveling and better sites are available.

Monday Phil will get his boat and he will be able to go out into the bay for fishing. They are catching speckled trout in the bays and lagoons but not around the banks.

We found the local shrimp dealer. It is the place where the boats unload their haul of shrimp. The name of the place is Blanchard Wholesale and Retail Shrimp and is at the end of Oak Street. We purchased 15 pounds of 16/20 Jumbo & Large mix shrimp for $4.oo a pound. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day deheading, peeling and deveining shrimp... but it was worth it. I put shrimp in the freezer and fixed a large batch for supper. Phil managed to put away 32 of them before he had to call it quits . There isn't anything better then shrimp caught and served up fresh unless it is fresh lobster.

In our walks on the beach we have gathered a nice little collection of sea shells and sand dollars.  All of the sand dollars were collected by Phil...

There are usually shrimp boats in the gulf everyday. This is the Island Ace bringing their nets onboard. The gulls are festing on the fish falling from the nets.

I will close this, fix supper and get ready to move out in the morning.  Jim is supposed to get his fifthwheel trailer Monday.  He will park it in an rv park in LaPlace while he gets stuff moved in and set up. Then he will move on down the coast line to Leeville. Which is between Golden Meadow and Grand Isle. He is supposed to come down and go out fishing with Phil on the boat sometime next week.

Well... off I go... Angel Wings Around You