Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hi  Everybody,
       Seems that all the crazy energies (cosmic or earthly) have really been bombarding me these last few days. It has been mind expanding and soul adjusting. I feel as if the angels have tested me and I passed an initiation of some type. It's as if my mind has expanded in the way I think and how I process my thinking. I think there has been a planetary shift of some sort and it has to do with the mental consciousness of the human race. Mankind is evolving into higher consciousness. Awesome...
      But enough about me and my thoughts.... I hope that life's school hasn't given you a test that you didn't pass with flying colors. Does not matter who you are or if you believe or not... you are in school and your teachers are Angels sent to watch over you... so in reality you are dancing with Angels to the tune of life.
     Now, back to the lake....Here are a few photos taken of the lake...

While taking a photo near the point I heard the wings of this big bird in it's struggle to fly with a big catfish.

It turned out to be a bigger then usual osprey. I didn't find his coloring to be as usual either...

Another thing unusual about this lake is... they have a table in the lake for boater's use when they want to have a picnic lunch... lol

Nor, have I seen (as Phil called it) a trashcan for fish to use...

Not sure what this building was used for but it caught both Phil's and my eye. Nice relic...

 Speaking of relic... what would Oklahoma be without the Sooner Prairie wagon?...

Or it's horses? These are in Walmart's front pasture in Sulphur, Oklahoma
We have met some super nice people here and I do believe Phil is a people magnet.  Everyone stops and talks with him.

Our internet service is a lot better here but not the phone service. In this next photo Phil is talking to our realtor. He has discovered that he has better service down by the lake. All the comforts of home, lol...

This coming Tuesday we will start our travel back to Tonopah, Az for the winter. Today Phil is over at Lake Tishomingo spending the day trout fishing with our daughter and her family/friends. Every Father needs that bonding experience.
When we get to our next destination I don't know if we will have service or not. So, if there isn't another blog for awhile please bare with me. We will spend a week at Proctors Lake in Texas. Then we are not going to have service as we  will be spending the nights along the road for the next three days as we push on into Sun Camp at Tonopah, Az.  I hope to get one more posting before we leave Tuesday.... but meanwhile.....
                                 KEEP ON DANCING
                                      AND SMILING