Thursday, August 8, 2013


It has rained heavily all night. Around 4:30 am the electricity went off again. When Phil's computer rebooted he noted that since midnight we had received 5 inches of rain today. From the looks of the radar it is going to continue with the heavy rains for several hours to come...

 The campsite we are at isn't at all level. Even tho Phil tried his best to get the trailer level we found that it wasn't the hard way. I happened to noticed that the carpet near the slide out was wet. Not good! We used towels to absorb the water and Phil checked for leaks which he did not find inside or out. He tried tilting the slide out so that water would run back not forward towards the trailer. That seemed to do the trick and the rain stayed on the outside where it belonged. Tomorrow we will put a fan on the floor to dry out the carpet as quickly as possible.

News reports are calling this a very unusual weather pattern for the Ozarks. Makes me wonder. Is the sun's magnetic polar shift having an effect on earth's weather? Is this a normal cycle and we are just not aware of it? I have no idea but thank goodness we won't have forty days and forty nights again. I don't think Phil and I could handle that. We are still trying our best to keep ourselves busy and amused...

I really feel sorry for the family that are camping in the tents just a couple of sites down for us. At least we have an inside large enough to feel comfortable in and all the comforts of home, they do not. They cook outside also. Because of the economy there are a lot of families forced to live that way. When I see people living like that I say a prayer for them and I send them love and light. I do not judge them or the situation. That is all I can do but I know prayer can move mountains.

Being kept indoors has allowed me to spend a lot of time on the plastic bag rug I am making on the loom that Patti gave to me. I have about ten more passes and then I can say I am halfway through the project. It is time consuming but fun and I am liking the results. I will post a photo of it when done.

Well... they predict the rain to continue for the week...

I guess we will just have to adjust because "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain"...