Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I just took my last sunset photo from this campsite...

Phil made his honey wagon run to dump station...

He has put the bike into the boat and strapped everything down... oh by the way, he isn't superman the bike is on a hoist and he is doing maintance on it.

The park was packed for the Memorial Day weekend. I have to say it was an interesting weekend. It started with pot sprouting up all over the patio on the campsite next to us. It was interesting to watch the goings and comings. The Park Rangers pulled it all and turned it in to the county sheriff ...

Both Phil and I had a shadow all weekend so I didn't get much done. But we made one little boy happy and that was worth the time spent visiting rather then working on web design. Brayden spent most of his time with us. He is a talker and full of questions. He talked Phil into helping him with his fishing pole so he would be able to fish.He even talked Phil into adjusting the brakes and oiling his bicycle. I ask the Angels to keep a special watch over little Brayden Fort, to help him grow his wings and fly...

I found out the name of the beautiful shrub that grows wild all over the area. It is Elderberry.  Marshall (the Park Host) asked me if I had ever heard of Elderberry Wine and that the blooms which will turn into tiny berries.  Locals hate them but I find them beautiful...

One of the campers caught a 72 pound catfish on a trotline. The host took a picture of it for their bulletin board and I took a picture of their picture. I met the man that caught it and can verify that he stood over 6ft 2. That will give you an idea of just how big that catfish is...

Here are the Park Host and Hostess... Marshall and Shirley Lewis. We enjoyed meeting them...

May Angel Wings Surround You 
 May The Dance Of Life Be One Of Joy