Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Here it is Tuesday and it has rained all night and is still raining this morning. Sure makes me wonder because yesterday Phil decided to wash the trailer. Which he did from top to bottom...

A couple of days ago I took my bike and went looking for firewood. I found where someone had cut up fallen trees and left a lot of firewood.  While walking around and picking it up I spotted this crystal close to a tree. It was just lying there on top of the ground. Not too far from where it was there is a vein of quartz but I didn't find any more crystals. I would expect there would be a few tiny pieces. There are several mines all around us... Coleman's, Fiddler's, Wagner's, just to name a few of old mines. We have noticed a lot of new mines around Mt. Ida. Also, it seems that everyone and his neighbor have crystals for sale. We enjoy finding them and passing them on to others, such as this one...

 Guess that was my lucky day because I just happened to have my camera in hand when this osprey decided to go fishing. I watch him drop from the sky and hit the water. Then I started shooting him in action. This is him going in for the kill...
And here he is trying to become airborne again...

We have lift off... If you look at his feet you can see the fish he caught. I was amazed at how deep into the water he actually went and the size of the fish he came back up with. Normally, this takes place so fast that the eye does not catch the whole of the events. So, I'm happy that the camera shows what I wouldn't normally get to see.

The next day I took a few photos and I think the one of the flock of huge birds flying over is one of the highlights.

They circled several times before finally coming to land on the far shore across the lake...
The next morning I captured a pretty good shot of them before they continued their journey to the Gulf of Mexico winter grounds.

The Great White American Pelican...
 Before the rains hit we rode over to the old fishing village to have a better look at the original village. Parking our bikes under the old oak we walked around to see what we could find. The village is across from the swim beach in our campground. That is the white area you see on the other side. The shed is the fish cleaning station which is still in use today...
Phil spotted this old cellar with the old holey aluminum boat. We saw a couple of these cellars over there. This one was near the old community kitchen. Just to the side there was a huge brick oven. There are also cabins on this part of the land. Just beyond this old area is the newer section of the village where people have their mobile homes and trailers. Also, there is the small store there. Although the places are pretty and well kept we enjoyed the discovery of the old village and getting a peek into the past more...
The country lane between the original fishing village and the campground is really starting to look pretty. Leaves are changing from green to yellow, orange, and reds... How pretty...
 This beautiful little red tree is very near where I found bear scat. While we were over in the village I asked if there were bear in this area. I was informed that just up the road near the Aqua Motel there was one reported on the roof of a lady's house a couple of weeks ago. There is only a mountain top between there and here. That information told me that I was right about the bear coming into the campground and eating chestnuts whole. But back to the tree... isn't it pretty?
Once again it is time to bring the blog to an end. I have been sitting here for hours because of the slow connection. But hey... at least I have a connection. I have tried to stay in good spirit rather than getting frustrated. But now I am ready to move around and dance...
So.... come on everybody.... Let's all...