Thursday, May 3, 2012

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

This is an email that I received and found very touching. I am sharing it with you.
Birds are fragile and vulnerable. The amazing photos captured a drama with two of these little creatures that is every bit as poignant and heart wrenching as any human story. Kudus to the photographer.

A female bluebird was hit by a car as she scooped low across the road, and the condition soon proved to be fatal.

Her male mate brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead

 He tried to move her... a rarely seen effort.

Aware his mate was dead and would never come back to him again, he cried out with his pain and sorrow as he grieved his beloved mate.

Many people believe that animals and birds do not have brains and and feelings. Here you are witness to the love and sorrow felt by one of God's little creatures.

Some would suggest that I am trying to put human emotions upon animals and birds. Maybe they would interrupt the above differently. But I have studied and observed animals and birds enough to know in my heart that they are just as capable of compassion and love as we humans. It is important to remember that God's eye is upon the sparrow as well as all creatures big and small. Remember to be kind to all living things.

But most of all be kind to yourself ... Live simply, love generously, care deeply, and laugh often. Enjoy life while it is yours....
Angels wings around you ... Let their wisdom be your guidence.