Saturday, May 12, 2012


Here it is Saturday already.  This little fishing camp isn't busy in the RV part but the boat ramp parking is sure full. Lots of people going fishing today. The park is humming but not buzzing with activity... it's a simple life here and very peaceful. Lots of squirrels here and even they stop and smell the flowers...

Yesterday while taking the girls outside I notice something weird going up the hill. Put the girls inside and grabbed the camera. What I found was one of the biggest turtles I've ever seen...

The pictures don't do the size of it justice. Just as I took the last photo of the turtle Phil drove up. I showed it to him and he said it was a snapping turtle. Most likely a female going to lay her eggs. He warned me to beware of it because it will take a finger off. He then showed me using a stick... it was fast and had the stick crushed in no time. I couldn't believe what I had just seen because it struck out like a snake and grabbed the stick. Had the stick been a finger the turtle would have bitten if off. Needless to say, I left her to her egg laying lol.   

Most excitement I've had here was with the turtle and the community garage sale just down the road from the campgrounds. From that the best buy was a pair of Bose speakers. Someone broke the end of the wire off into the hole and didn't know it was easy to pull the wire end out of the hole.With just a little bit of efford Phil got an excelllent set of Bose speakers for almost nothing. He is one happy camper lol.

The weather hasn't been good enough to go exploring so I don't have a huge amount to talk about. Guess in a way that is a good thing because it makes me stop and see the little things in life.  Such as the little male cardinal that lands on the old wooden post just outside my window.  I think he watches me as much as I watch him. Every time I look over at him he is peeping in at me lol.

Guess while it isn't raining I will take a walk outside. Sure getting tired of looking out windows and peeping around the door...

So I will close this until tomorrow.  I'm out the door to dance with angels.. May Angel Wings Surround You.