Sunday, July 22, 2012


What a beautiful day, how I wish I could share this moment in time. The park is quiet, the sun is shining, birds are singing and the air is clean and crisp. One would think it is early spring not the middle of summer. I wish I could share the cool air, green waters, flowers, and wildlife viewing with my sister Pat and my friend Hannelore. They would love it as much as I. Knowing that I cannot even bottle up this day and send it to them I will instead dedicate today's blog to them.

I will start by sharing yesterday's morning experience. It rained off and on most of the night and so the day had a chill to the air. After my morning coffee I grabbed my camera and went out the door. Halfway down to the lake I spotted a doe on the lower path. I was so in awe of her beauty and grace that I forgot I owned a camera. When I finally remembered something caused her to speed up resulting in no picture taken. Then immediately out of trees steps a eight point buck with his horns still in velvet. I was overwhelmed by this size and beauty. He was amazing. As I lifted my camera and took aim a dog down on the beach barked startling the buck. Off he went in a flash and I got one great blur photograph of a tannish blur with a white rear and black tail. LOL. I rather doubt that the three people down on the beach with their dog ever saw the mule deer as they came through between us. They looked up, saw me rather than the deer that their dog was barking at.

I took a swim in the lake. Really nice if you don't mind the letting your body adjust to the cold waters. Once the shock wears off the water seems warmer and afterward it feels refreshing. It's better then showering with Zest.
Then Phil took me out for a ride on the lake in theboat...

This is one deep lake according to the depth finder. One area was 460 feet deep.  Lots of fish at 100 feet and deeper areas. Specially, the between 150 to 300 foot thermal line depth. Phil is on the lake at this minute trying to catch one.

The views of the islands, the mountains, and the shore from the middle of the lake are awesome. I was amazed to discover that the bald top mountain that we are camped at the base of  actually has a twin...

Then I turned and took a photo of the other side of the lake here is that picture ...

I have came to the realization that the air and water are so clear and pristine that they reflect the colors around them. Be it trees or sky.
Little chipmonks are everywhere and they are busy storing up for the winter...

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels are running hither and there. I think they are named for it's yellowest tan nose. They are the watchers of the forest and are the first to sound the alarm if they see something... 

Here is another photo of the above squirrel as he is getting ready to run from me...

The plants here are beautiful. The only thorns I have seen are on the wild roses. When the sunlight hits upon the daisies they glow. The (boston) fern and spiral plants are things we purchase at the nurseries. It is amazing to see the diversity of the plants growing wild that I have seen in nurseries for sale...

Here is a picture of what Phil's boat looks like off the trailer...

Tomorrow we pack up and begin the journey to Farragut State Park at Sandpoint, Idaho.  I guess this is coming to the end ...

May Angel Wings Surround You and May You Keep On Dancing To The Tune of Life!...