Thursday, May 10, 2012


We arrived here at Caddo Lake last night. All is well. We spent most of this day finishing setting up the inside and outside of the camp.

This morning I received an email from Jim telling us that two waterspouts hit the island a couple of hours after we left. I knew that a storm was going to hit the island and there would be heavy rain. Told Phil that a storm was coming a few days in advance. Fatima (my Angel) let me know about the storm coming. So we got off the island in time. Sometimes I can hear Fatima, sometimes she gives me mind pictures, and sometimes she puts the information into my mind. When Angels watch over us we are blessed. Everyone is born with a Guardian Angel. When we are little children we are open to them but as we grow we tend to quit listening to them for various reasons. But they are always there to help, guide, and protect you. I am blessed with five Angels. To know of your own Angel just ask them and then have faith that they will communicate with you.

But back to the waterspouts at Grand Island. One of the waterspouts turned into a tornado that was a quarter of a mile long and 400 feet wide. There was significant damage from them. They formed in the Gulf of Mexico and came inland...

The store in the below photo was about five blocks from where we were staying.

Here are a few more pictures...

Please note that I did not take any of the pictures shown.

When I awoke this morning I felt a large release of energy in the area of my back where I am injured. Immediately I was relieved of pain. I raked the yard area and didn't feel pain. Raking, sweeping, and things like that are things that I avoid because of back pain. I am still amazed at this event.

Well it is late so I am going to close this and get ready to call it a day...

May Angel Wings Surround You With Love And Peace...