Saturday, September 28, 2013


OMG.... it's my birthday...

I thought it was going to be one of those days that I should just go back to bed and I wondered why I even got out of it...

My bike stopped working, my family had forgotten me, and nothing was going right. After a couple of hours I gave up hope and decided that it was nothing more than another day in my life. This day was going to be whatever I made of it. So I put on a smile...said my morning prayers...

Then Phil gave me a big birthday hug (he had already given me an early present) and he begin working on my bike...
It wasn't long until my daughter called to wish me a happy birthday and to chat.  She is such a sweetheart and I love her dearly... This is photo taken of her and Tim...
Here is my favorite photo of her and our granddaughter (Tona) taken years ago. Tona is now a grown woman with children of her own...
While talking with her on the phone I receive an email that was a real surprise and really made my day. Because of a computer crash I had lost touch with my younger sister (Pat).  I was thrilled to hear from her to say the least. Was also surprised to learn that she found me when she googled my name it directed her to this blog...
Because of family and friends this turned out to be the best birthday ever... I love my life and I know that I am blessed. I dance with Angels...
I pray that you too dance with Angels and it is a dance of joy....