Friday, October 5, 2012


Looks like our dance has turned into a slow waltz. We are staying at this campgrounds until the new camera that Phil ordered come in. Looks like it may be another week before that happens. While waiting and killing time I decided to see what was on the internet about this area. The pictures of this lake have been enlightening. Makes me realize just how much the climate change has changed the lake. The water level is down many feet. Leaving the large cottonwood trees dying from lack of water. What I find sad is that this is happening all over the areas that we have traveled. I am aware that old trees die but this isn't just here and there... it is everywhere. It is the same thing that I saw happening on our land in central Texas. The trees are dying from lack of water and the bark start falling off, along with large limbs. The drought is hurting all of America and it is time the debating to stop and action to be taken before it is too late. It is time for Climate Change to take place in the mind's of man and let's get the climate back to being healthy for man, animals, and plants. We have the power within us to do this... Mind is the creative force with us. Meanwhile, the climate is changing nature. Food for thought.

This is such a beautiful desert oasis for both man and nature. There are so many ducks, geese and birds already here on the lake that the visitors spend the night and fly away in the morning. We have seen this in the sandhill cranes and ducks that come in large groups. I worry that if this drought continues will this be gone in the future? I pray not.

I've borrowed Phil's pocket camera to get a few photos to post. The fall is beginning to show and the area is georgous...

It is hard to believe when looking at these pictures that just outside this refugue there is desert...
And if I look into the other direction just across the road (Hwy 93) there is Area 51. Groom lake is located just about where the moon is in the below photo..

I discovered this fact when I was researching the area on the internet. Here is a map that shows the area... 

Maybe this explains the sonic booms that shake the ground. At first I thought a earthquake had taken place as the trailer was shaken but Phil clued me in on what was taken place. The ducks and geese seem used to it as it doesn't seem to effect them. I read on the internet where the air space above that area is restricted all the way into space. If so, then that leads me to believe the sonic booms are coming from there. Interesting...

This is such a beautiful place with all the birds. The geese have begun to get used to us and are coming in closer now. They are magnificent birds. Phil has been sitting out at the picnic table working on his wood working and enjoying the wildlife. I found a pocket knife with a broken handle at the Cove Campgrounds in Idaho and he fixed it. He took a piece of Russian Olive branch and created a new handle. It is georgous and well balanced. He really impressed me with his work on that knife. Here he is working on the project...
I found that we are boondocking in style. While in Las Vegas he bought a rubber water bag that holds 45 gallons. Then he discovered that the generator will run the washing machine. I didn't try the dryer. I was able to do most of the wash and get it dried in the sunshine.  I have the clothes rack that hooks onto the ladder on the rear of the trailer so didn't need to run a clothes line to dry the wash. Out here in the middle of no where there is no laundrymat. Sometimes it is the little things in life that really matter and clean clothes is one of them... lol .
So even though we have slowed down to a slow waltz we are still dancing with angels ... don't forget whatever the beat ... keep on dancing...