Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday @ North Toledo Bend

Today the park is full.  People are everywhere.  I know the Angels are watching out for us because the section we are in is quiet compared to the rest of the park. Children playing is a beautiful noise but the fighting, screaming, and crying is not, lol.

Today was a beautiful day to be outside.  I even bathed the girls outside.  They loved it. 


That is our girls.  SuYang was born Oct 17th at 11:30 pm and SuChi was born Oct 18th at 12: 20 am.  They are sisters but as different as night and day. SuYang is a gentle, loving, laid back little girl. SuChi is the Diva.  They are our furry kids. Their mother was a toy Shih Tzu and the father was an Imperial Shih Tzu. So both are small size. Didn't realize how small they are until I saw the neighbor's standard Shih Tzu.  Our girls are half the size. They love going riding around the park in the basket on the bike.

Yesterday I went to the group cabin area and on the way back found a beautiful shrub in white blooms. Not sure what it is....


Phil spent most of the afternoon at the other side of the park. He put everything (rods, tackle box, and bait) on his bike....

This was the last I saw of him until after dark.

Didn't catch anything.  At the pier there was a father and son. The father was teaching the young boy to fish with no luck until Phil gave the man the proper child size bobber. Then the boy was catching fish and having a blast.  Phil also reported back that the river otters hang around the fishing pier. He got to see them up close.  They are funny little animals.

Just wish to say one last thing.... From Phil and I .... we wish you a .....