Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time Flies

Time flies when you are having fun or so they say.  Monday was a work day of cleaning and getting the laundry done. By the time the chores were finished I was almost brain dead lol. I knew I should work on the blog but was just too tired. Also didn't think you wanted to hear the exciting news that the washers and dryers are free to use. I have a combination washer-dryer but free is so much better and faster. That took up most of the day. I did manage to get a couple of pictures. Here is Phil with his morning coffee...

This is the area that he was walking towards so that he could get a better view of what I was taking the picture of....

Tuesday morning I put the girls in the basket of the electric bike and took them with me to tour the park.  They absolutely love to go riding. I went down the group camp road to view the butterflies on the butterfly bush. Sitting there I noticed a change in the light around me... seemed to intensify and brightened for no reason. I could feel a change in the air. This is my signal that an angel is near. The birds started singing and were everywhere. Butterflies started appearing as if from thin air. Luckily I had my digital tape recorder so I  held it up to record the birds. Upon play back I was in awe that once again I heard my angel's voice whispering to me.  Her message was, "Fatima involvement".  My angel's name is Fatima and she was the reason for the birds singing, the lifting of the vibration of light.... so that message was to let me know that she was involved in it all. I was admiring the beauty of it all when she spoke to me on the recorder. I have heard that Fatima is the angel of revelations.

To end the perfect day I spotted the eagle's nest behind site no. 8. As I watched the juvinile in the nest one of the adults landed on a side limb. I went back to camp and got Phil so that he could watch the eagles also. He really enjoyed that.

Phil is working on his new boat motor while waiting for a part to come in for it. He is stripping off the old paint and is repainting it a silver grey to match the boat. As for myself, I am getting ready to go take pictures and talk with angels those seen and those not seen. Here is a photo of the area where the otters play...
Well, lots to do and places to see so I will close this and gitter dun (as Phil would say).