Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hi everybody... thought I would try to get another posting up on the blog.  Lots has happened but nothing extremely important.  Unless, it is the opening back up of the campgrounds.  Speaking of campgrounds... I found this copperhead snake after a heavy rain when I went for a walk near the chestnut trees.  I did not do a catch and release because he is venomous. Doesn't belong near people and specially where they are putting their hands down to gather nuts. If he would have been somewhere in the woods then I would have let him go.  But there is no way I was going to try to catch him and take him off to the woods. I'm not that brave, lol...

After the rains the finches, sparrows, bluebirds, and indigo come down from the trees in a quick swoop to grab any bug that moves.  They are fun to watch... 

This is a flock of loons that were swimming on the opposite side of the lake so the photo isn't that great. I thought at first they were weird acting ducks... maybe doing a water ballet...

 When the rains slacked off we decided to get away from cabin fever. So we went over to Mt. Ida and visited our old favorite rock shop... Fiddler's Ridge. Seems that the old mine that we knew was no longer producing and they had moved to Fisher Mountain. They then sold out of the mining of crystals. All they have now is the shop. Still have a nice selection of rocks and things but we didn't see the crystals like we did when we first visited in 1989. But they still had some of the items that we loved... Like this crystal eagle ...

And the rock knives... They are handmade locally. The blue glass one really stood out...

When we first visited them they told the story about someone finding this sabertooth skull in a nearby cave. How much truth to the story I have no idea.  But it makes for an interesting conversation. Be it real or not...
 They have a nice place inside and out...

Lots of rocks, minerals, glass, and naturally crystals from their old mines...

The yard area had some nice slabs of group crystals from the first mine.
This next photo is of a big gold rock. The mica was so thick it looked like it had been gold plated. Very pretty and flashy in the sunlight...
 While out in this area we spotted this group of crystals with several double terminators so we purchased it...

This internet connections has gone from bad to worse.  So rather than fight with it I am going to fix my bed and then get in it... two o'clock in the morning is a bit late for me.  Tomorrow is another day...
So.... come on and....