Friday, May 11, 2012


Finally I was able to take a few pictures of Potters Point Campground. It is a fishing camp but is like a community. There are four permanent residence families but two of them have been on vacation. I met Peachy today. She and Gary help take care of the place. The owner and his wife live on site but he has an outside job so isn't around that much. Did a swap with Peachy for  tree riped plums. Everything she grows is organic. I gave her a package of fresh shrimp and she gave me all the plums I wanted. Shrimp is frozen up here and it cost a lot. They live on social security and can't afford it. So, I was happy to share. We were invited to the community crawfish boil. Hopefully, we will be here.

I really like the peacefulness of this camp. I've seen what I think is an eagle twice and heard it calling once. It landed in a tree on the next property.  There is an old dilapidated pier that is going to make a nice painting. Will post the pictures of it later.

Phil checked out the town of Vivian, Louisiana this morning. It has a small Walmart with not much in way of groceries. But the town has a IGA supermarket. So we are stocked back up except for a couple of items. We didn't do much grocery shopping on the island because everything except seafood is imported in and outrageously priced. Here it is seafood that is imported lol.

I walked out into the road with my camera and took a couple of pictures. In the first one our campsite is the second trailer with the white truck...

Then I turned around and took this next picture...

Next I walked down to the end of the pier in the upper picture to get this next picture...

Today was gray and not a good day for taking pictures so I will wait until this next storm system passes before taking more pictures. With the water lilies and huge cypress trees I can tell you this lake is gorgeous. I love the feel here.

I found walking from the pier up the hill to our camp  to be hard for me. So that is my daily goal... to walk the hill. Tomorrow I will walk down to the water's edge with my grabber and pick up the cans and trash left by the ramp users. Walking the hill is a big thing for me because last summer I could barely move because of back injury. It was all I could do to get out of bed. I refused surgery and chose to heal myself... so watch out hill here I come lol.

It is that time again and I must close this for the night. But before I do I would like to share something that happened on the road while traveling here to this camp. We were on the other side of Shreveport and it was starting to get dark. Phil asked me if I smelled the gas. I rolled down my window and there was no doubt there was gas. We thought somewhere there must be a gas leak maybe from a gas well or pipeline. Farther down the road we smelled it again and stronger. Then it dawn on me... marsh, bogs, mud flats, and swamps are know for their will-of-the-wisp methane gas. The lights went on upstairs lol. There for awhile the gas sure had us wondering what was up, should we report it or not. Glad we didn't lol.

Well off I go... Angel Wings Around You and May You Dance To The Tune Of A Blessed Life.