Monday, May 13, 2013


For the last few days my mind has been on the experiences of Sun Camp and the wonderful friends that I've left behind. I know that it is not a goodbye but still I am beginning to miss them. Sun Camp was a great experience in ways I didn't expect in life. Such a beautiful group of people and each are very special to me in their own way. I can truly say that I have grown to love each and every one there.

In the short time that Phil and I lived there we were part of that community and all that it stood for. Sun Spiritualist Camp was changed as we all learned to communicate and work as a team for the betterment of the whole, that is Sun Camp.... We truly danced together in unison... I truly do dance with angels.
The world could learn a lesson from Sun Camp in how to walk the walk and talk the talk of Universal, Impersonal Love. One of the things that my guiding Angels taught me is that Earth is merely a school for the souls. It is there through our experience with one another that teaches us and challenges us to grow. And most important how to interact with each other with positive energy rather than the negative. How we respond is how life will treat us. If you want respect you must give it...if you want love you much live it. As you become more positive in thought and action the wars of the world are put aside. You are not part of it. I watched this put in action at Sun Camp as it went through the changing of the energies being brought to Earth as we moved fully into the New Aquarian Age. There truly is a new Sun Camp that has been created. There is a song that is sung at the ending of the church services ... "Let There Be Peace"... it goes something like this: let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. It was a beautiful experience to see these people living that song.

So it is with an overflowing of love from my heart that I say, "God Bless Sun Camp".... KEEP ON DANCING!

 Our hearts beat in rhythm to the tune of life and our souls sing the song. So it doesn't matter where you are or what you  are doing... the dance of life goes on. As we learn we perfect our style...

 The dancing just keeps on getting better with the experiences... When we are all dancing as One... then the New World has begun...... KEEP ON DANCING!!!

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