Sunday, May 12, 2013


We made it to Lake Meredith in the panhandle of Texas. Slept over night in a picnic area just out side of Amarillo. Wasn't bad until a semi refrigerator truck pull up beside us. Those things run all night so they are noisy to say the least. But once again, we survived lol.
The truck problems were fixed so it ran with no problems. But the generator needed a tune up and there wasn't much getting online done. Guess I am retired... I was tired yesterday and tired again Didn't do very much outside.
We had a thunderstorm blow through after we got here. Thirty plus miles an hour rain and wind. Made it interesting inside the RV. Not scary just interesting. Luckily we parked so we were rear ended into the storm like an old horse knows how to do. Doesn't blow you over that way. Still the rain was a good thing around here. The lake is very low and can use the water. This area is mostly flat plains except here in this area. There are small rolling hills and here at the lake it is similar to a canyon filled with water. I don't know enough to say where the water originates. As you can see we are camped near the shore. But the problem is that the shore in down the side of a cliff. It's a rocky climb down a steep bank pass a few rattlesnakes... I don't think so!

Friday Phil went into Dumas, Texas where he got the truck inspected and the utility trailer registered. That is the reason we're here in Texas. The trip here was very interesting. We passed a lot of flatland in bad need of water. But the most intriguing was a valley in New Mexico that was nothing less then a lava bed. From the size of the flow I would be willing to bet that at one time there was a super volcano that was the cause of it. If you look closely you will see that there is a community there in the back ground that is built on top of the lava rocks. I was amazed to see that. Those rocks are sharp as glass and I can only image what resides down in and around them. I really don't think I have the makings for that lifestyle.. I have a thing about snakes and things that shred my feet. But I have to admire the resilience of the people living there.
Most of our trip we traveled on or near the old Route 66 Highway. In some places it was barely visible and in others it was still drivable as you can see in the photo below, but it was fenced off most of the way.
There were some interesting sights along the road sight such as the T-Rex 
Looks like this one is being chased out of the Native village.
There were plenty of Antelope once we crossed over into New Mexico. I never saw one in any of the other states. I was beginning to think they were gone.
I saw a couple of wild burros in New Mexico also. The land they were on looked mighty bleak...
But not far down the road I saw these guys and that really made me wonder what they were surviving on. Most of the cattle we saw were young. I don't know if they were replacements herds or just feeders for the market.
Water seems to be the most valuable thing on earth.  Where there was life there was water. We passed many a windmill pumping up the liquid gold.

There were also many scenes like this old abandoned homestead.

But we also passed towns and small communities such as this beautiful old Navajo village with its adobe homes and the white church in the center. I took this photo as we drove passed. But there were cars stopped and people along the road taking pictures of the village. I had one chance and this was the photo I got.  
I didn't miss getting a photo of the cars at the Cadillac Ranch this time as we drove pass them. They are a few miles outside of Amarillo, Texas.  Looks like he is painting them all green. Although there were lots of people walking around them I didn't wish to do so. I tend to respect fencing rights.
 Well the sun has gone down on this day and here it is almost midnight so I will close this and head off to bed...

Remember... live well - laugh often - and love much.
And don't forget to keep on dancing!


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