Monday, September 3, 2012


Here it is Monday again. Where does the time go? Since we have been on the road I have noticed that most of my time is involved in yesterday, the present, and tomorrow. It seems that "the past" and "the future" have slipped away somewhere. I know they exist but they have lost their importance in my life. I hope this is a good thing but I guess only "time" will tell.

But right now it is that time when this area will become almost empty of the vacationers as they leave to go home. We have only met our neighbor in site 2, Leonard and Karleen. Very likeable people. I haven't been outside enough to meet others. I did take the girls for a long bike ride yesterday tho. They were so excited. Guess they miss it when I don't.

We have decided to sit out another week here at this RV park to give our budget a break and to let all the vacationers get off the roads. Hopefully, the gas prices will go back down a bit also. Phil is expecting some work to come in and we need to be close to the post office. I have been commissioned to do a horse portrait but email works for me except when I send the finished painting.

Phil has been working on creating a eagle head walking cane. It is coming along really nice. He spent most of yesterday working on it...

Seems like all I've done all week is wash clothes. Sure miss my big washer and dryer. The Splendide washer and dryer combination does a great job but it takes about three hours to wash and dry one load.  Very time consuming  which means I really have not taken pictures as usual for the blog. But I still have some to share with you of our hike up the back roads of the area.  Such as the beaver lake...
Then there were the ducks on the lake. A mama duck and her babies...

 It was funny to watch her as she tried to stay calm and lead her teenagers away from us. They would duck under logs and pop up on the other side...
Another thing I noticed is the absents of honey bees. I have seen the bee boxes but no bees. Instead what I have noticed is that the butterflies and the lowly bumble bee have taken over the pollination of the plants...
My Internet speed is getting slower and slower so I will close off by saying... "Let Your Light Shine" as you dance...




  2. It was great to meet you & Phil
    Had a good visit w/ Phil, he is your biggest fan.
    Priest Lake is a treasure of Idaho, wish we could have stayed longer to 4 wheel more trails & visit more but darn work! UGH!
    Enjoy your travels!
