Wednesday, November 27, 2013


From Tishomingo, Oklahoma to Big Spring, that was over eight hours on the road. Now to get across New Mexico and into Arizona....westward ho! We are at a roadside rest stop. Phil is sleeping well but I cannot because of noise... cars, trucks, and trains. As I sat here I remembered that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the things I have to be thankful for. The most important are by family and friends. I am greatly blessed in having them in my life. I have good health and happiness in my life. For this I am grateful as well as thankful.

It is the time of year to reflect on your life. What do you have that you are thankful for? Life is never a bed of roses... and it is true that money cannot buy happiness. Some of us have a hard road to walk in life as we learn the lessons that life tends to teach us. I say this not in judgement for it is only there by the Grace of God go I. And I know that in truth one can only stand in judgement of one's self.

From Phil and I ...we truly wish for everyone... a wonder and blessed Thanksgiving day filled with love, happiness and great food!...."God Bless"

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Wholly moley... it is getting cold here. We are trying to ride it out until Monday or Tuesday. But according to last night's weather news... it is messy all over even in Arizona. We ran out of propane gas today so Phil had to make a run down the road to get more. Luckily, it was only a couple of miles down the road. Rains started yesterday and it is sleet today with a chance of snow.  

The girls are staying warm in spite of having a short haircut. Thinking we were headed to the Phoenix area I gave them a haircut for warmer weather as their coats were much too long for there. Well, now here we are in the midst of winter... poor girls.... SuChi is staying warm with her heating pad and blanket...

And SuYang has her blanket and favorite chair...
We moved to another campground here at Blue River.  We now have the woods between us and the north wind.
Our campground is next to Hughs Crossing...
Normally, it is a busy place with fishermen and vehicles going to the other side of the park.
Friday our daughter and her husband came to visit. She and I went out together to get some photos of the ice and trees...
I thought I would sneak a photo of her but to my surprise she was taking one of me... crazy kid... gotta love her...we really enjoyed their visit.
This is a photo of her sneaking a photo of her Dad fishing in the middle of the road...
Here he is again fishing in the same spot...

Here is another...
This morning when I took the girls out I watched huge snowflakes falling along with sleet and then I spotted the icecicles hanging from the basket on my bike...
I'm beginning to think that Phil has this "snowbird" thing a bit backwards... it's south in the winter for warmth...and north in the summer where it's cooler, lol. Do I have any brave volunteers that want to tell him? Hehe.
We are hoping to make a run for the border (Arizona) Tuesday... weather permitting. But it depends on the icy conditions. We don't have a problem with it being cold but have a major one with icy roads and bridges.
So if I can't get another blog posted before then... from Phil and I, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And that you are surrounded with loved ones and good times....

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We are still in Oklahoma.  Phil wanted to go try his hand at trout fishing so we were to spend a couple of days at the Tishomingo Blue River. But in packing up to move Phil tripped and injured his leg and knee.  We are waiting a few days for the swelling to go down so that he can drive the long trip to Arizona.

When I first saw the sign and the area I wasn't very impressed with the Tishomingo Blue River Public Access Land...

We found a campsite and parked the rig. After getting everything set back up... I went down the path to the river a few feet below...
This is the view that we have out our front door. I counted 27 waterfalls in forming a semicircle around the water basin below...
There is no way to capture all the falls in one photo...

Awesome views...

And this is looking down the river in the opposite direction...
They hold two trout tournaments a year. The access is packed up and down the river with fishermen. But after the tournament the crowd leaves and the stocked trout have settled down so fishing is nice... just ask Phil, lol...

Here is a photo Phil took of the Oklahoma Bird Bath just outside the park...

It will be awhile before I post another blog. Connection to the internet is very weak. So with that and our soon-to-be long drive from Oklahoma to Arizona it most likely will be two weeks before I get another blog posted. So until then...
remember your life depends on it... so...


Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hi  Everybody,
       Seems that all the crazy energies (cosmic or earthly) have really been bombarding me these last few days. It has been mind expanding and soul adjusting. I feel as if the angels have tested me and I passed an initiation of some type. It's as if my mind has expanded in the way I think and how I process my thinking. I think there has been a planetary shift of some sort and it has to do with the mental consciousness of the human race. Mankind is evolving into higher consciousness. Awesome...
      But enough about me and my thoughts.... I hope that life's school hasn't given you a test that you didn't pass with flying colors. Does not matter who you are or if you believe or not... you are in school and your teachers are Angels sent to watch over you... so in reality you are dancing with Angels to the tune of life.
     Now, back to the lake....Here are a few photos taken of the lake...

While taking a photo near the point I heard the wings of this big bird in it's struggle to fly with a big catfish.

It turned out to be a bigger then usual osprey. I didn't find his coloring to be as usual either...

Another thing unusual about this lake is... they have a table in the lake for boater's use when they want to have a picnic lunch... lol

Nor, have I seen (as Phil called it) a trashcan for fish to use...

Not sure what this building was used for but it caught both Phil's and my eye. Nice relic...

 Speaking of relic... what would Oklahoma be without the Sooner Prairie wagon?...

Or it's horses? These are in Walmart's front pasture in Sulphur, Oklahoma
We have met some super nice people here and I do believe Phil is a people magnet.  Everyone stops and talks with him.

Our internet service is a lot better here but not the phone service. In this next photo Phil is talking to our realtor. He has discovered that he has better service down by the lake. All the comforts of home, lol...

This coming Tuesday we will start our travel back to Tonopah, Az for the winter. Today Phil is over at Lake Tishomingo spending the day trout fishing with our daughter and her family/friends. Every Father needs that bonding experience.
When we get to our next destination I don't know if we will have service or not. So, if there isn't another blog for awhile please bare with me. We will spend a week at Proctors Lake in Texas. Then we are not going to have service as we  will be spending the nights along the road for the next three days as we push on into Sun Camp at Tonopah, Az.  I hope to get one more posting before we leave Tuesday.... but meanwhile.....
                                 KEEP ON DANCING
                                      AND SMILING

Friday, November 1, 2013


We made it to Chickasaw Recreation Area just outside of Sulphur, Oklahoma. This is a pretty area and the autumn colors are just starting to show. It is mostly oak trees in the area so they are not as bright. We passed some fantastic views coming from Arkansas to Oklahoma.  Some of the colors actually looked fake with their lemon yellows, lime greens and amazing reds...


 We could tell when we got to Oklahoma because of the change in the land. More open pastures with prairie grass and more oaks...

It wasn't hot because of the rainy weather so don't know what this cow was Not swimming weather for sure...
This store and Museum were in Arkansas. I don't remember what town they were near but I think the road was Hwy 63.  It's a play on the Lil Abner cartoon and Dog Patch, USA. This is the Jot'em Down Store...
Because of traveling in and out of rain. There wasn't a lot of light for good photography so I took pictures when I could like the one of this old barn.

And the wild Canadian geese in this new rye grass field...

There are sections here in this park that are really pretty. This is a scene just up the road from where we are camping. Nice show of yellows...

Phil and I went down to the beach and discovered an abandoned boat. We got the water out of it and carried it up to our campsite. The boat had escaped from the Goddard Youth Camp across the lake. So, the next day Phil called them and told them where it was at. Today he spoke with the Park Rangers about it. They are going to pick it up and deliver it to the Youth Camp. I am so proud of Phil...

A passing boat scared a young raccoon up a tree.  He just thought he was hiding, lol...

He is really out on a limb. We talked to him for a few minutes and he calmed down. Even went to eating the acorns around him. So we left him in peace and when back to camp for the night...

Speaking of night... it has been a busy day. We had to make a run into town. Did some shopping, sight seeing, got a haircut, and now I'm beat. Can't hardly stay awake...

Don't know what tomorrow will bring or what kind of critters I'll dance with. But I will keep on dancing...

You do the same.... just....