Saturday, May 4, 2013


I have a few photos to share that was taken on the road. I took a photo of the first pine tree I saw....

One of the things that we notice was  the lack of green grass. I realize that the area was just coming out of winter but due to the recent rains and snow melt I would expect to see a hint of green. What I saw instead was a lot of dead and dying trees.
But as we were coming into Flagstaff, Az we begin to see some greening. Also a large mountain in the distance with snow still showing. Sorry about the spots on the window. Phil did clean the glass before we started the trip. Didn't want you thinking there is a moon in the photo lol. 
Here is a closer view of the snow capped mountain...
After leaving the Flagstaff area it was like entering another world. The descent down from the higher elevations brought us back into the desert landscape as you can see from this old abandoned homestead.
After our arrival here at McHood Lake we set up camp then went for a bike ride down the road. Here is a flock of a very large cranes that was coming home to roost. Not sure just what they are but they are very big birds... 
Here is a close up of them...
This is the first sunset view from my desk window. Nice.

Some how I lost track of Phil as I was busy taking bird pictures and he went on without me. So, needless to say I beat him home. Here he is coming up the road. He is doing a great job on the bike in spite of the knee surgery. I am proud of his accomplishment!
And here is what I have to put up with hahaha. This is SuChi. She gets in Phil's lap so she can get on his desk to stare at me when she wants something. How can one resist that darling little face saying, "hey Mom... can you see me now?"
This is a great little campground and we are enjoying the people and the sights. But most of all the quiet. We are at the first campsite and new comers tend to think we are the camp host. I don't mind as we met so many interesting people. Today I met a couple from Quebec, Canada. The man is from France and has a bit of trouble with English but is trying so hard. The woman is from Canada so she translates a lot. They are great people and we are looking forward to seeing them again. We have spoken with many of the local natives. Again good people.
Well, it is that time. So I will say "good nite". Keep on dancing to the rhythm of the heartbeat of life... God Bless


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