Thursday, May 30, 2013


Tomorrow I will update you on what we have seen and where we have been since leaving Lake Meredeth in the Texas Panhandle. Right now I want to share with you what happened to us yesterday. Our Guardian Angels were definitely on duty watching over us.

I will begin with saying that we really goofed up. We had no idea that the brakes on the trailer were not working. All indications said they were. So, without a worry in the world we set out on our big adventure over the top of Mt. Magazine, the highest mountain in Arkansas.

Here is a view from the Mt. Magazine overlook. Phil is looking at Blue Mountain Lake in the middle of the Petite Jean Valley...
The next day I had a rare appearance of Internet service.. how be it very slow. Of which I took advantage of and checked out campsites at that lake. So, we packed up and headed for Blue Mountain Lake. This is the road out of the campground we were leaving...
As you can see this is a very beautiful area. But the camping was primitive there. Getting to this campground was a wild experience of which I will share  the trip getting there tomorrow. But for today I want to share what took place as we were coming down off of this magnificent mountain on Hiway 309...
After we had passed the Mt. Magazine State Park and this lookout point Phil said that he smelled smoke. The road is full of 15 to 20 mph turnback curves as you come down the steep grade. There are very (and I do mean very) few areas that you can pull off the road. We went for several miles before he could find a spot wide enough and long enough for us to pull over to check things out. When he stopped we both got out to look. I noticed the front tires smoking and as I got to the driver's side I saw flames inside the wheel. Told Phil that I saw fire and he said he didn't see it. So, I assume that it had just started to flame...
Phil quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. As you can see the tire is smoking and inside the wheel is the fire. The passenger side brakes were hot but no fire. So luckily all we left behind was the white powder mark on the side of the road and not our rig...
After sitting for awhile to allow the brakes to cool down we continued our journey down the mountain passing a few more hairpin turns...
No one can tell me that our Guardian Angels were not looking out for us. Had we not pulled over when we did then our brake system would have been so hot that it would have failed at the very next curve. Looking over the side as we passed it I saw a sheer drop off. Phil waited until this morning to inform me that we were really close to going over the edge. I will admit I am thankful that he did wait... I rode with no fear... had he told me I would have been gripping the seat the rest of the way off that mountain. And to the Angels of the Brotherhood of Light I give you "Thanks" for allowing us to continue our dance of life and protecting us as we dance on...
God Bless...And Keep On Dancing


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