Sunday, April 28, 2013


Last Wednesday we left Sun Camp at Tonopah, AZ. So I am picking up where I left off with the blog. My life has returned to normal once again. We loved the stay and the people there but it is wonderful and exciting to be traveling again. I think both of us have gypsy heritage lol.

Coming out of Phoenix the truck blew a head gasket. Luckily, we had plenty of water to get us on up the road. We managed to limp into a truck stop. There we called the recommended local mechanic. He thought the problem was the thermostat which he replaced. The rest of the night was spent camping on the back parking lot. With an early start the next morning we made it about twenty miles down the road when the truck started to overheat again. The mechanic was called again and we patiently waited beside the road...
 Upon looking over the situation he realized he couldn't fix it. But he stayed with us as we limped out way into the next town. He led us over to the NAPA Station. There they checked over the truck and that is when we realized the seriousness of the situation. A blown head gasket and a bit of damage to one of the pistons. But we were lucky, the next person that came in had much more damage to his truck. But still it is going to cost from one to two thousand dollars. So, here we sit on the parking lot of NAPA in Camp Verde, AZ...
We are about six miles from Montezuma's Castle but it might as well be a hundred miles. We can't walk it or bike the distance. Phil is still building up his leg after the knee surgery and my back is still damaged. Speaking of Phil's surgery ... he has done great. Not one complaint and he has pushed himself to the limit. Not to mention that he has a great attitude. I'm proud of him and his accomplishments. He bought a ten speed bike so today we went out riding to check out the sights. This is a very nice looking little town but very hilly.
Across the street is the Apache Nations Headquarters...

Their Headquarters reminds me of a castle. Maybe it was designed to look so because they are so close to the "Montezuma's Castle" park.
The lay of the land is very pretty here and I'm impressed with the town itself.  Although last night the restaurant up the hill was hit by burglars. They didn't get inside. They had to really be dumb because the police station is only a block up the road. They made a fast get-away when the alarm went off. I didn't see it but could hear the commotion. Today someone parked a vehicle on the lot and it's alarm sounded. Geeesh.
Hopefully, by Tuesday we will be headed down the road towards Flagstaff and Interstate 40. Our plans are to spend a week or so around Winslow, AZ. Then on over into New Mexico and across Texas into Oklahoma to Arkansas. I think we will stay around there while we build back up our money reserves. What with the surgery, a new covered trailer, two new cameras, and now the truck cost we have had a lot going out. But we have faith and life is good. Also, we are not in the flooding and high winds. So, maybe sitting here on this parking lot is a blessing in disguise.
So we are putting on our "happy" face and beginning our dance with the angels once more across the highways and byways of life...


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