Wednesday, November 21, 2012


As we pause to give thanks this year let us give thanks for the love of our families and friends. Let us be grateful that we live in a country where we have freedom. So many have paid a great price so that we may live here in America.

I give thanks that I have been granted the wisdom to know that although I do not have everything I want. I do have everything I need.

I give thanks that I am dancing with the Angels daily. May you dance in your life and may your light shine brightly. Dance with the joy of life and give thanks for all that you have.... God Bless

Monday, November 5, 2012


Today (Sunday) was the grand opening for Sun Camp and last night Phil did the final check on the sign. All was well. What a sight to behold.
Everyone said it was awesome. The sign is near the entrance so it is part of the first impression that one gets. I took the above photo from the road at 9:30 Saturday night.
The people here have worked so hard building this camp and it has been a labor of love.  Phil and I joined them in the Church Sunday Services this morning. Afterward everyone met in the kitchen for refreshments. Bob Copeland's older brother and his wife were here. What a delight to meet them.  I met so many new people... hope I can remember the names. There was much laughter and joy shared amongst all. Reminded me of old friends coming together to share "the good ole days". 
I have pondered our "mission" here at this camp and I think I have the answer to my question. We are here to help bring new "light" into the group. To let them know that change is happening. The sign is a good example of this. It is refreshing to the human spirit much as a drink of cool water is to the thirsty man. 
Change is taking place all over the earth. It is that time.  Some changes are good and some are not so good. As the Mayan Calendar shows the end of an era has come. We are moving out of the Pisces era into the Aquarius era. Earth will not end. It is time to look at what we need to change within ourselves so that we may live in peace and harmony...that we may to dance to the rhythm of life.
I have very few photos to share this week with you. Most of my time was spent working as I helped shine up of Bob's home, I raked around the buildings in the RV section, as well as my normal home chores. Not to mention the grooming of the my girls (Shih Tzus). I did get to go down to where Phil was working on the sign...
 In the photo above he is removing the old sign and in the photo below he is explaining to Bob what he doing as he puts up the new sign...
And here he is hard at finishing up the mounting of the solar panels at the sign.
The sign is "awesome"... and shines like beacon in the night...
While taking Phil's lunch to him down at the sign site I chanced upon a "Horned Toad". I haven't seen on in years. I had them as pets as a child and they were in abundance. But they are fast becoming rare in central Texas. I took a photo of the baby that I found and then moved him out of harms way. By the way they are not kin to a toad or a frog... they are a lizard...
Blends in good with the rocks, doesn't he. He is at the center bottom portion of the photo.
The petigrew falcon came back to harrass the doves again.
This time I stood very close to the doves and he got the message. It has been several days and he has not returned. Such a beautiful bird but he is not a seed eater so he has to hunt else where. I enjoy the sound of the doves when I sit outside with my morning coffee. They are beautiful to behold and to hear. There is a bird that I think may be a meadow lark but I have not seen one yet. It is a sound that I loved as a child living far out on a country road. It is a sound that takes me back to my childhood summer days. We lived far away from any close neighbor and my days were spent riding my horse through the pastures and creeks. I think that is where I developed my love of nature and animals. My horse was my best friend.
It is important to us all to remember back to the good ole days when life was fun, joyful, and freedom was ours to run and play.  What a joy it would be to experience that feeling all over again.... know that you can.  Sure some of you (and myself) can't jump as high or run as fast but you can experience the joy of thinking as a child again. Put down your troubles, your worries, your heavy burdens such as depression, guilt, and all the "what if's" that you carry. It's as simple as forgiving yourself and others...change your thoughts and you change your attitude.... joy is an attitude... so is dancing with the angels... Dance on, my friend, dance on...