Thursday, August 30, 2012


We are finally back online. Spent the last week at Beaver Campground where we had no internet or phone service. It isn't much better here at this new campsite but will try to get something published on the blog.

Priest lake is a big beautiful lake in the upper portion of the Idaho panhandle just below the Canadian border...

Luckily we are on the left hand side of the lake which is less traveled. It is quiet and peaceful on this side away from the parties, jet ski's, and such. So it has been a week of enjoying nature.

We were told there was a bear that was just outside of the park boundry. As long as he stayed outside the boundry I didn't worry about him. The area is full of bear signs from the torn up logs to the best sign of

Yesterday we moved to a new park twenty miles south of Beaver Creek park. It has full hookups which is really nice. Naturally, with the Honda generator we have electricity which makes roughing it so much better. But we can't turn on the mircowave and most of the other electric ran items. We have to watch the amps pulled. It is also gas driven which when there isn't a local gas station handy can be a costly thing. But I think the best thing is getting an internet signal. It is only one bar on the HotSpot but one is so much better than none.

Before we left the Beaver Creek Campgrounds we took a drive up the road which ran through the American Land Management area where there is free camping sites. It is a very remote area but beautiful. Most campsites were near Granite Creek. In looking around we decided the sites were just a bit too remote for us. I took a lot of photos on that trip and will share them over this week. One I will share today is of a shoe tree...

This was at the Stagger Inn Campsite on the Washington side near Huff, Idaho. It was an unexpected fun find. People wrote their names, cute saying, and places on shoes and nailed them to a big dead tree. Or they tied the laces together and toss them up into the tree limbs...
There is already a famous "Shoe Tree" so they named this tree the "Shoe Crew" and hence I guess is the reason for names being written on the shoes. There were leather shoes, tennis shoes, baby shoes, flip flops, and about every other type of shoe except for show shoes. Can't imagine why there were not a pair of show shoes being this is snow country, lol. I had to keep an eye on Phil because several times I caught him trying out shoes for size... I don't think he was testing to see if there was room for his Crocs...
To those of you that know Phil's brother James, just a note to let everyone know that he is okay and is in Texas riding out the hurricane. He and Dorothy will return to Lousiana when it is safe.
And with that note I will close this  and get chores done. Remember to let the music move you as you dance through life... KEEP ON DANCING...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The park we are staying in is called the Louis and Clark Trail State Park, Dayton, Washington. It is located twenty five miles northeast of Walla Walla and just a few miles from Dayton on highway 12. After miles and miles of wheat fields it is a little oasis of green...

Here is an example of what the scenery looks like outside of the park...

Just behind our campsite runs the Touchet River...

In most places the river is less then knee deep, mostly hits just above the ankle but I have found the swimming hole. It is so nice in the heat of the day to just stand out in that cold water. Leaves you refreshed and invigorated for the rest of the day. It is so much warmer down here in the southeastern corner of the state compared to the northwestern corner. We didn't turn on the airconditioner there. I am not complaining because it still beats the Texas heat, hands down.

I took the girls for their ride around the park yesterday and got some nice photos. Seems there are three orphaned mule deer fawns living here in the park. Two are twins and have been here for a few months...

The youngest fawn is a new comer to the park...

There are also three great horned owls that live in the park. While doing my morning meditation I chanced to hear a sound. Looking around and then up I spotted who was watching me...

He wasn't afraid of me and never did fly away... (Maybe after I left he did lol). He looks sort of like a little ole man wearing an english type cap. I love the electric bike for taking photos. It runs so silent that most animals just sit and look at you. Makes for some great photos of them.

Tomorrow we start our journey to Priest Lake in Idaho. It will be a long drive but should be worth the trip. It is a beautiful large lake below the Canada border. Lots to do between now and in the morning so will shut this down for the day. Remember enjoy life while you have it.... Just KEEP ON DANCING no matter what gets in your way... YOU CAN HANDLE IT.... SO... "DANCE ON!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


We finally landed back in Washington state just above Walla Walla. What a trip... we wanted to see the Oregon coast. We did and it was beautiful ...

We drove across a very long draw bridge between Washington and Oregon. It was half in the fog so you couldn't see the other side. This photo was taken while looking back at the bridge and it really shows the fog...

Going through the little town just after the bridge there was an old fashion lemonade stand. I had not seen one of those in years. Had to hand it to that little girl sitting there on the corner. Not many kids would do something like that anymore. Most expect money to be given to them while doing nothing to earn it. Here is her stand...

 We stopped at a hang-glider spot called Gammon Launch. I took this photo just for Phil. He loved the feeling when he was hang-gliding. Here's to you, Phil...

Phil taking in the view from Gammon's launch...

Phil's view was of the pacific ocean and the Oregon coastline being over ran by clamdiggers that were taking advantage of the tide being out...

As you can see the people are the size of ants... that lauch is high on a mountain, which is perfect for a take off launch. Seemed like almost all the beaches had clamdiggers...

We traveled a little over half way down the coastal highway and found the farther down we went the more packed the campgrounds were. Most didn't have room for our dog's pen. It finally dawned on us that August in not the time to visit the Oregon coast and that the summer rates are high. As a matter of fact, everything is over priced. With that thought we decided to go across state and back up north to a cooler area. We also noted that August is not a good time to head south. Phil put in about twelve hours behind the wheel as we drove down the coast and half way across the state. After checking out several campgrounds we ended up sleeping in a rest area beside the highway. We left the trailer hitched to the truck but slept inside it on our beds. My bed is closer to the truck then phil's and I was awoken to the sound of something in the truck being moved around. We got to the outside before they could get far. It was a man, woman, boy, and two dogs. They were the only ones around besides a man asleep in a car farther away. Everything is locked down in the truck so there was nothing taken. We just wanted them to know we knew what they were up to. Later in the morning we found out that they trashed out the men's restroom. Although I dislike their ways I do feel sorry for those negative people.. we reap what we sow (in thought or action). We hit the road again and angled our way northeast. Heading back towards cooler weather and less crowded places...

We passed snow capped mountains. There were three almost in a line that really looked beautiful. The above photo is one of the mountains. They were hard to get all in one picture so I decided to take a picture of what I could. Just as I snapped the photo it looked like a herd of horses ran across the screen. What the heck was that...

In looking at the photo I realized they were metal not real. I couldn't have gotten a better shot if I had planned it. After many miles we saw another very unusual sight... A real prairie schooner...     

There were other interesting things to be seen but I didn't take pictures of them. We checked out a few campgrounds and turned them down. We went through Walla Walla, Washington. Got onto highway 12 and went through Dayton. Finally landed at the Lewis and Clarke State Park on the banks of a river. In Texas we could call it a creek. The area is mostly wheat farming. Here and there are small ranches on the river valleys. There were a lot of people here in the park yesterday but it is almost empty this afternoon.

At Walla Walla Phil replaced the tires on the trailer. What I didn't know was that when we replace the axel shackles on the trailer one tire had wore off most of the rubber from the misalignment of the wheels. Phil was starting to get worried because of the wires showing through. I was shocked when I looked at that tire. It is a miracle it didn't blow and that is a guote from the man who took the tire off and replaced it. Phil went ahead and bought four ten-ply tires and had them mounted. Keeping the new tire that was bought in Lousiana as a spare. So all is well and we are resting up. We are watching what is happening with the wild fires of the west and planning our  next route accordingly.

It was nice to find a tincan with the label peeled off sitting on the picnic table filled with sunflowers. Such a nice gesture to leave for the next person using the campsite. Must have been left by an angel... When you expect good things you get good things... I simply love dancing with Angels to the tune of life... Not all of us are dancing to the same (soul) beat but the important thing is that we Keep On Dancing...

Thursday, August 16, 2012


As I sit in the still of the night listening to the ocean waves gently washing up onto the beach my thoughts are of the last two weeks here at this beautiful place. There is serenity to be founds upon this shore and in a way I feel a sadness about leaving. This morning we said our goodbyes to our new found friends. They had to leave today. Here they are left to right: Al, Jan Burley, and Ray Burley.

Jan had told us about a beach just down the road that had large starfish. Phil and I decided to check it out. We found some nice treasures. Phil found a ten legged red sunburst starfish. He was in the process of returning a crab to the water when the starfish caught his eye as it rolled with the surf. He waded into the water and after several grabs he caught it. It is a large one and a collectors dream...

As we were heading back up to where the truck was parked we saw three bald eagles. One flew off over the beach while two landed in a tree not far from the truck. So I got a couple of nice shots of them...

 In a few hours we will be on highway 101 headed for the Oregon coast and I wonder what we will find along the way. Whatever happens we will be dancing with the angels.... KEEP ON DANCING!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I just realized that I have lost track of time. Here it is Tuesday and I have been so wrapped up that I have not even thought about the blog. Tomorrow is our last day here at Clallam Bay, Washington. We have been blessed with some wonderful neighbors, Jan and Ray Burley. They are locals as they live in Salkum, not far down the highway. Jan reminds me alot of my sister Shirley and Ray reminds me of my cousin Benny Joe. It was an instant like and they proved to be fantasic neighbors.  I will miss them. Ray went out fishing and showed us some of his day's catch. He caught a King Salmon that would not fit into the cooler... I think it was 18 pounds...

They shared some salmon and whitefish with us. Jan taught me how to cook it the way she does and it was great! Thanks, Jan.

We took a trip around the peninsula on the Highway 101 Loop. It was an all day trip of around 35o miles. Coming around the Pacific Ocean side we went through three rainforests. It was a bit of a shock to see so much of the land had been clearcut. They have replanted in most areas but the growth of large trees take years. In one section just coming out of a rainforest Phil had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting a young wolf pup that ran across the road in front of the truck. It didn't look old enough to be weaned so somewhere close there had to be little mates and/or mama. What a privilage to get to see him so close up. Naturally, it happened so fast that I never had a chance to get a photo of him. The fog hung around the coastal areas all day but I did manage to get a few good photos. Here is one of the pacific coastline...

We stopped at the Timber Museum in Forks so that I could get a photo or two...

The log hut...

But in all our driving around the loop I really think that we are staying at the best spot. We have the beach directly in front of us. From the kitchen window I get to watch the activities that take place there. I love watching the children with the treasures that they find. Even Phil has been beachcombing for treasures also. Here he is with the first starfish he found...

I think my greatest find was the leopard seal warming it's self on a rock...

Tomorrow is going to be a work day, packing up and getting things ready for the ride down the road to the next place somewhere in Oregon. We are going to the Portland area but haven't made up our minds as to the exact location. Our two week stay here has been wonderful. Listening to the waves crash against the shore has been soothing to the soul. But I am ready to see what is at our next stop. America has so much beauty everywhere you look. The towns are unique and the people we have met have been great. Life is good when you spend it dancing with the angels... Those you can see and those that you can not... does not matter... Just Keep On Dancing....

Monday, August 6, 2012


I love this life and my kitchen window. It is my window to the world being that I am staying inside and cleaning. Still doing the washing but the carpets have been shampooed and the girls have been bathed. I decided to give the whole house and everything in it a good going over after my mouse experience.

From my kitchen window I watch the cruise ships coming in and going out.  Their lights at night are something to see.  Then there are the cargo ships and barges that travel the strait. I watch fishing boats of all shapes and sizes. Along comes an occasional white sail of a sailboat. The children running on the beach hunting for treasures being followed by the adults at the water's edge. I watch the fog roll in and listen to the sounds of the fog horns. I can also see the Lighthouse lights shining over the point beyond this little harbor town.

As I was preparing my lunch today and finishing up washing the breakfast dishes I glanced out the window to see a young immature bald eagle swoop down on a flock of seagulls that were sitting on the beach. I watched as the gulls took flight and he turned to come back through the center of them. Then I grabbed my camera and took off outside.

What I think happened is that the young eagle in his inexperience lost his hold on the gull  he caught causing it to fall back into the water. I was in time to see the eagle circle and come back for another swoop on the gull. This first photo shows what I am seeing from the patio...

The next photo is a close up of the eagle. Same photo, I just enlarged one section of it. When you look closely you can see the attack on the gull.The gull has it's wings up in the air...

The gull is flaying it's wings and the eagle's inexperience causes him to miss. He flies back up into the air, circles and returns for another try.

After three tries to recapture his lunch he gives up. Here he is sitting on the beach watching his lunch swim off...

Then from over the tree tops comes it's sibling to try it's luck at snatching the gull from the waves...

After three tries the sibling also gives up and lands beside the first young eagle. Both young eagles stand and watch the gull escaping...

The gull is injured and can not fly but there is nothing wrong with it's feet and it is making good time heading towards the rock jetty. I wonder if the poor gull is doomed to a life of flightless hardtimes or a slow death when I see the adult bald eagle fly down and circle back toward the gull.

As she lines up for the kill I realize that it is for the best. The poor seagull will not suffer a slow death and will have the chance to be reborn to once again soar the skies in freedom. Who knows maybe next time it will be the eagle.  
May The Angels Surround You  With Love, Joy, and Peace.
May You Always Dance With The Angels...

Friday, August 3, 2012


Nestled on the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the Salish Sea lies a sleepy little fishing village call "Clallam Bay Sekiu". It is on the coast of the Olympic Peninsula in the north west coast of Washington state.  My first view of this little bay nearly took my breath away...

We are here during their off season so there is room in the RV Campgrounds. We found a campground overlooking the beach which is across the road. The above picture is the same beach. Here is a view in the other direction...
The dark blue strip in the clouds is actual Vancouver Island, Canada. Which is seventeen miles away. They are hidden by a fog bank today. But I do not want to forget the things I saw getting to this beautiful beach. The Northern Cascade Park was an magnificent place with it's old growth forest. We decided if we return there we would never call ahead because the section they reserve is a bit too primative and you have a good chance of being put into a site with an old table covered in moss and hard to walk in because of rock or roots. But as for picture taking their beauty stood out. Sort of reminds be of a table that you would find Robin Hood and his merry band of outlaws sharing, don't you think...or maybe, a hobbit and his friends...
We enjoyed our stay there but in the end I was glad to be on the road to finding a Walmart to purchase Dcon. We found we had mice in the house. I don't do mice! I'm still looking for an electronic mouse repeller but in the meantime Dcon will take care of the problem. I've cleaned the cabinets and washed everything and tomorrow I shampoo carpet and mop the floors. I am not sure where we picked up the mice so I cannot say it was here. It is just one of those things that any camper can find if they do not put out the decon, rodent repeller, and seal the holes. Rodents are known to get into mansions too, lol.

But back to the trip. We enjoy all but the traffic in the Seattle area...

I did manage to get a photo of the Space Needle and the harbor...

But the most awesome thing I saw was when we topped the crest of a hill and there in all it's glory stood Mount Rainier. I am sorry to say that the picture is a bit blurry because of having to point and shoot in a hurry without being able to chose my shot nor steady the camera. But with  the photo does show the mountain that I saw before me. That is not a cloud in the center.. it is a snow topped mountain. The tallest in the state of  Washington.

Today Phil is going to take me on a sight seeing tour up the coast to the end of coastal road. It is as far northwest as one can get in Washington. We were told of a naval base, puffins, and a Native America Reservation at the far point. So, I will close and get the camera for tomorrows Blog. See you then.... But meanwhile.... KEEP ON DANCING WITH THE ANGELS!