Wednesday, November 27, 2013


From Tishomingo, Oklahoma to Big Spring, that was over eight hours on the road. Now to get across New Mexico and into Arizona....westward ho! We are at a roadside rest stop. Phil is sleeping well but I cannot because of noise... cars, trucks, and trains. As I sat here I remembered that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the things I have to be thankful for. The most important are by family and friends. I am greatly blessed in having them in my life. I have good health and happiness in my life. For this I am grateful as well as thankful.

It is the time of year to reflect on your life. What do you have that you are thankful for? Life is never a bed of roses... and it is true that money cannot buy happiness. Some of us have a hard road to walk in life as we learn the lessons that life tends to teach us. I say this not in judgement for it is only there by the Grace of God go I. And I know that in truth one can only stand in judgement of one's self.

From Phil and I ...we truly wish for everyone... a wonder and blessed Thanksgiving day filled with love, happiness and great food!...."God Bless"