Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Grand Isle History

Today I found an arial picture of the Grand Isle. This started me looking into the history and I thought I would share with you what I found...

In looking at the above photo you can see Grand Isle is totally surrounded by water.  It is the first barrier island into the bay of Barataria. We are staying at the state park on the far end of the island.

The earliest history records the island as belonging to the Chitimacha Tribe, then the European Settlement begin in the 1780's when Louisiana was still under the Spanish rulers.  Pirates, such as Black Beard ruled the area around 1718 and then in 1808 Jean Lafitte extablished his rule. He named the community esblished by his people Barataria and called the people Baratarians. The neighboring island is where Fort Livingston was established and held the confederate soldiers during the Civil War. After that the island became know as a tourist attraction. There is an estimate of 12,000 tourist annually now and an estimate of 1,500 locals. The major source of income is from oil, seafood, and the tourist industry.

The island is rebounding after suffering through hurricanes, Katrina and Rita. And then the infamous BP oil spill. The waters of the Barataria Bay have not fully recovered from the oil spill. The results are still visible in the fish, shrimp, crabs, birds, animals, grass lands and marshes. But you can see life renewing, which is a good thing.

Yesterday, I noticed a handicap blue crab without it's claws. I watched it for some time to see how it was surviving. When another crab came around it would run to hide in the grass. When the danger passed it would venture out to suck in tiny bits of nurishment that would float by... Poor little thing.

I do not know if it was a survior or was born this way. Either is possible.  I had to admire it's wisdom of survival and it's will to live.

I'm going to close and get out outside to explore this beautiful island. Enjoy life while you still have it and May Angel Wings Carass You.... Peace