Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sunday morning will be a busy day for us as it is time to pack up and move to Hwy 125 Campground tomorrow. It is the local fishing hole I am told. Fishing isn't good right now so Phil has been busy fixing this and that. Here he is fixing a chair for me as mine collapsed.

 We made a run into Harrison for shopping and I took a few pictures on the way. I saw a house coverted to a shop. I liked the style and the mural. Nothing fancy about it. In fact, I sorta felt it was folk artsy. But it is different and is someone's ideas brought to reality. They did a lot of thinking to get this little shop to come to life...

The leaves are just beginning to change their colors, plants are seeding, and there are butterflies everywhere. Lots of little yellow sulfur ones and plenty of this little beauty...

I found this a rare sight. Clover all summer ...

There are several Great Blue Herons here at this campground. I chased this one all around the point trying to get a decent shot of him. This is what I settled on...

Down around the boat docks there are a bunch of Mallard ducks. They stay in this area...

Nothing unusual here except maybe the mama duck. All those younger ducks are following a black and white mama duck. Wonder what happened there? Is papa a Mallard? Did someone slip her some wild duck eggs? She is an excellent mama and they listen well to what she is teaching them. Seems they talk the same language because they all say quack - quack... lol

And then there was this herd of cows cooling off in a pond.  Beautiful serene scene in a beautiful pasture. I took the photo as we drove past it going to Harrison. Didn't think much about it other than it was a pretty scene. Then while chopping it down for this blog edition I notice there was a strange looking cow and calf...

Turns out I had captured a buffalo and her calf. The calf is called a Beefalo. A cross with a buffalo and beef cow...
Yesterday morning Phil drew my attention to the firetrucks at the boat landing across the way...

I grabbed my camera and zoomed in on them so I could tell what was happening. Turned out to be several communities were testing people and machines. Some type of training exercise, maybe. There was someone with a clipboard and someone else was timing them. The crew would drive up to the lake, connect hoses and pump the water out over the lake while they were trying to have the winning time. There were several brand new looking trucks. But it seems that the winner was the oldest, a yellow truck that you see in line below...
 Phil and I rode our bikes around the park yesterday.  His sense of balance is so much greater than mine. He zips around like he is a teenager ... even does circles around

Most of the time he is way ahead of me now that he has his new electric bike...

We even rode our bikes into Diamond City for an icecream cone. While there we rode around the main street. I liked the cement zoo that someone had created in their yard. Was busy taking photos of birds, deer, fountains, and Indians. Then I glance down and to my surprise I found this little pig looking at me... cute...
We ended the day watching the sunset at the park...

 The time has come for me to end this edition of the blog and think about getting ready for the move tomorrow. I have finally come to realize that we are not retired... we are just on a permanent vacation... Love it!
As Phil and I dance together over a dance floor filled with Angels ... know that in your own way you too are dancing with Angels... the people in our lifes.
 People may come and people may go but the memory of the dance, as well as the dance itself ... will last forever.... So continue to dance in the circle of life.