Monday, May 20, 2013


 Friday we went riding around the area. Wouldn't you just know it. A big bobcat walked across the road and I didn't get a picture of him. Bummer. He was full grown. I was taken back by how dark his fur was. Looks like he lives in a canyon right behind some houses at the edge of town. But because by the time I turned the camera on, took the lens cap off, and tried to focus on him he was long gone.

We went to the other side of the dam. There was marsh lands there. There was a walkway so that you could walk out over the water and grasses for a distance. The fish were not very large in the area that we were in.  

There was a nice day use area with a swimming beach at this side of the dam. Phil showed me the little town of Sanford then we went back to the main body of the lake. We checked out the Fritch Fortress park and that was a shock. There was no lake as this photo below shows. The dark area in the middle of the lake bed is mud..

We drove on to the park campgrounds and the next photo shows what the lake looks like just two mile up the road. The lake is about a third of what it used to be because of the drought.  If you look closely at the below photo you can see the water level line on the far banks.
 Then we went down to the boat ramp. Wow. The lake is at least a mile away from the ramp. Phil drove out on the road where others had driven to launch their boats. You had to be aware of the mud banks. There were areas where there signs of many a vehicle that had gotten stuck trying to get their boat into the water. Or maybe it was one really dumb person that didn't know what a mud bank or quick sand looked like. If that is the case, then he sure took his time in learning... lol.  Lots of birds were down in this area also. We saw a seagull a long way from the gulf.
Phil tried his hand at fishing down at the dock. All he caught was a bunch of mosquitos and his own rod and reel. Of which he accidently dropped into the water. I am surprised he told me about that... lol
While out bike riding I found this little guy... a real Texas Horn Toad. Also known as a horny toad or a horned lizard. He ran across the road and stopped to study me and the bike. Most likely thought I was riding the skinniest horse he had ever seen. One odd thing about this lizard is his ability to spit blood from his eyes. They only do that when threatened. It was a good feeling to know they are still around.
And then there was this guy visiting our camp. I think he liked getting his picture taken. Because of his big size and his markings I wanted a photo of him. Ran into the house to get the camera. Remembered I was charging the battery so back into the house I went to get it. Meanwhile, he waited just under the steps. I thought he was on the other side so around the house I went. Wasn't long before he came out to where I was standing. He patted the ground and stretched out just as you see him here. He just lay there watching me take his picture...

I have discovered that besides loving him I really do need Phil. There is very little that he cannot do. Here is an example, working on the generator when it stopped working. He had it back up and running in no time. For which I am grateful... with out electricity there is no blog, not to speak of my morning coffee lol

Flowers have really bloomed since the rain ...
 This one is a type of milkweed and there is a bumblebee on it.
 We are blessed with the nicest neighbors... Tim and Susie from Indiana. They have just joined into the ranks of full timers. I hope to see them again... somewhere... some place.

Well it is time to wind this blog down so I will leave you with a picture of Phil riding off into the sunset...