Friday, August 30, 2013


Phil and I had both come to the conclusion that he needed an electric bike so that we could ride together. Going up hills was no fun and he would have to push the bike he has. The idea was to wait until winter and then find one that we could afford. But a few days ago I felt an urging to check and see what was on Craig's List. The first thing I saw was one for $150 in the Joplin, Mo. area. That was a do-able price and things proceeded from there. We went three days later and got Phil's bike. As most know... Craig's List is first come first served so we felt very blessed that the bike did not sell out from under us. People were asking but no one bought it. Then we met the seller.... Peter Dinh...

Peter is studying to become a priest. It was destiny that our paths were to cross and the bike brought us together. I won't go into depth about it as I know he will continue his training and will be a great priest. Many are called but few are chosen.... God Bless You and Be With You, Peter...

Peter told us about the Station of the Cross Gardens and so we took a tour of it......Wow!!!

The marble statues where magnificent and the garden was so beautiful...

There were many angels in the gardens...
We had a great time going through the garden and met a couple of the caretakers. They are also studying to become priest. I felt a positive energy about the whole grounds and the people there radiated it. Really hated to leave ...

Naturally, no garden is complete without the koi pond. The two guys above were cleaning out the filters and all the koi were in the bottom pond. Lots of koi as you can see...

 Not only were there a massive about of fish but some of the fish themselves were massive... as this great white beauty...

The next day Phil went to work on his new bike...He adjusted this, fixed that, and put in new batteries...

After a test drive he has decided to purchase a second battery to give it more zip. It is sluggish up hills but the great thing is that we can ride together around the parks... I am so happy that he has this electric bike!
While I'm sharing I thought I would share this with you also. This is a photo of Phil feeding the wild geese. They love maize which is used for baiting up the big catfish so he keeps it on hand...
The only problem with the geese is that they are really messy birds. I really didn't want them taking over the beach in front of us. But my little Shihtzu, "SuYang" decided to become a bird dog. As soon as I let her outside she zipped out the fence and chased the geese out into the water...
Then she stood guard to make sure they stayed out there... lol. Gotta love her!...

We are living such a wonderful life that it is hard sometimes to remember that there are wars and rumors of wars going on in the world around us. We have met only friendly positive minded people. We are so blessed. Never in my wildest dream did I think I could be this happy. I can't say that life is perfect but I can say that life is great and I am happy. I know that I truly dance with the angels to the tune of life. It is wonderful to know that I am surrounded by angels walking in flesh... as well as spirit. Life is


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A blue moon rising... Isn't it beautiful?...

Sitting by the water's edge we enjoyed a magnificent moon rise. It is the second full moon in the month... hence, it is called a blue moon. The moon isn't really blue but the blue of the sky and water gave me the feel of a blue moon. It was breath taking.

Phil finally took his first maiden fishing trip in his finished boat. He has added a lot to the original boat... like a floor, seats, motor mount, and etc. I caught him as he first stepped into it...

 As he made his first cast into the water...

And the grin on his face as he came home...
Right after the above photo I glance over and saw this hummer... This one is for you, Ida...
I am still in amazement as I take in my surroundings and the view outside my window.  There are waterfront lots that people pay $150,000 for just so they can have the view and excess. And here we are.. renting the same thing for only $246.00 a month... and we don't even mow the yard. Now that is amazing!
Our rent is so much cheaper than any of the hotels, motels, bed and breakfast, or lodge. I can look across the lake at this magnificent quest lodge sitting on top of the mountain ridge... 

A couple of days ago I noticed this guy and his dog canoeing pass our patio. He has a real old fashioned wooden canoe.... Nice....

He came by again yesterday morning with two dogs riding the bow. Both dogs rode like pros and looked so cute with their tiny life jackets on...

The lake has been full of Man Toys, lol...

 I know this is off the subject but wanted to share it with you anyway. This is a photo of one of the parks near White River. It was a well maintained park with some modern landscaping such as these culverts landscaped with natural colored concrete rocks and stumps. A hand done artistic creation...

 I also took this next photo while riding down the road. The spirea bush grows wild in Arkansas. I love looking at the woods along side the road and seeing the splash of white beauty...

Remember life is short ...  go outside and join other people that are playing their music of life...

Don't worry if your not in perfect step...


Friday, August 16, 2013


Once again we are living on an island. But this time we are in Arkansas rather than the Gulf of Mexico. There is nothing like the feeling as you watch the morning sun trying to break through the fog. This morning it was spectacular...

Yesterday's sunrise was beautiful also. Both photos were taken between 7am and 7:3oam a day apart.
 I took the photo below right after arriving here. This is a view from my front door. The hill is part of the main land. This photo also shows the causeway that was built to connect the island to the mainland...
As you can see the water is crystal clear.  Beaver lake Dam Site Campground is hidden treasure...
Here is a view of our campsite from the causeway...
The campsites are fast filling up. People are coming to the lake for the weekend. The dam is the beginning of the White River which is well known for it's trout fishing...
We went for a drive around the dam...
There is an overlook area and this is the view of the beginning of the White River at the foot of the dam...
We drove below to the foot of the dam. The water is so cold that there is a mist rising over the water. We stopped and checked it out. Phil walked down to the water's edge...
The area is beautiful and well maintained...
We traveled on down the road that you see in the above photo until we came to this boat landing on the White River. The mist is still rising which gives the scenery a mystic view...
From there we drove to Beaver, Arkansas and then into Eureka Springs. Will post those pictures in the next blog. There was some major flooding and I have some photos of the flood damage.
I have just about caught up with my chores. Gave the girls a haircut yesterday so they are wearing sweaters today. It's quite cool here. Today I dry the clothes that were washed last night. I am thankful for my washer/dryer as the nearest laundry mat is in Eureka Springs. Phil is having to fix the kitchen gray water tank. When we were in Cove Campground there was not a dump station which forced us to travel with a loaded tank and it busted. Live and learn. I can only wash dishes if I use a five gallon bucket to catch the water. lol... that is camping. One never knows what they miss until they don't have it. I will appreciate being able to wash dishes normally ... never thought I'd say that because it is a chore I don't like doing.
I absolutely love this gypsy lifestyle. There is never a dull moment. Rarely do I meet someone I don't like. The views outside my windows are fantastic. And life is good. Phil and I have never been happier and we get to play ...

I wish for you the same joy of life that we have and more so...

                                                         KEEP ON DANCING....


Thursday, August 8, 2013


It has rained heavily all night. Around 4:30 am the electricity went off again. When Phil's computer rebooted he noted that since midnight we had received 5 inches of rain today. From the looks of the radar it is going to continue with the heavy rains for several hours to come...

 The campsite we are at isn't at all level. Even tho Phil tried his best to get the trailer level we found that it wasn't the hard way. I happened to noticed that the carpet near the slide out was wet. Not good! We used towels to absorb the water and Phil checked for leaks which he did not find inside or out. He tried tilting the slide out so that water would run back not forward towards the trailer. That seemed to do the trick and the rain stayed on the outside where it belonged. Tomorrow we will put a fan on the floor to dry out the carpet as quickly as possible.

News reports are calling this a very unusual weather pattern for the Ozarks. Makes me wonder. Is the sun's magnetic polar shift having an effect on earth's weather? Is this a normal cycle and we are just not aware of it? I have no idea but thank goodness we won't have forty days and forty nights again. I don't think Phil and I could handle that. We are still trying our best to keep ourselves busy and amused...

I really feel sorry for the family that are camping in the tents just a couple of sites down for us. At least we have an inside large enough to feel comfortable in and all the comforts of home, they do not. They cook outside also. Because of the economy there are a lot of families forced to live that way. When I see people living like that I say a prayer for them and I send them love and light. I do not judge them or the situation. That is all I can do but I know prayer can move mountains.

Being kept indoors has allowed me to spend a lot of time on the plastic bag rug I am making on the loom that Patti gave to me. I have about ten more passes and then I can say I am halfway through the project. It is time consuming but fun and I am liking the results. I will post a photo of it when done.

Well... they predict the rain to continue for the week...

I guess we will just have to adjust because "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain"...