Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas

What a beautiful time of the year. I have seen so many people with the holiday spirit. The news on television is filled with those that step up to help those in need. Everytime I hear about a grinch I hear about someone that is moved to help. It is a great time to be part of the human race.

Christmas is a special time of year for the world. Does not matter what religion you are. The Christ energy effects the mind of humanity... this is a special time in that it is the ending of the age of Pisces and the dawning of the age of Aquarius. This is what the Mayan calendar is all about.

As we move into Aquarius the universal mind will focus on peace. There will be a lessening of the negative thinking of man and earth will begin to come back into the perfect balance as it was in the beginning.
The rainbow is a representive of the Seven Rays. These rays are of the Christ Light. This is what the Life Master was a representive of. This is what he was trying to teach humanity... to proclaim their heritage.
As we move into this new energy I pray that you continue the dance of life and that your life is full of the abundance of peace, love, and happiness. May the thoughts of tomorrow be filled with promise. May you experience the "knowing" that you are indeed blessed. May you have enough of everything you need. And may you....

Keep on dancing!!!


Monday, December 10, 2012


We are still alive and doing well. Lots of things have been going on with us -- all good. This is a wonderful little community and we are having a great time. I got an early Christmas present. Never thought I would say this but I love the new ceramic commode. Haha. The old one was plastic and began to leak. Thank God it was clean water. Now, I have a real bathroom!  I thanked "Santa".
Some of the ladies got to play Santa's Helpers Saturday as they gathered in the community kitchen to bake cookies for the church...
Things are looking very much like Christmas here at Sun Camp...


Phil finished the mail box stand. That is all but the painting of the mailboxes. He is going to paint them white with black lettering. Here is a photo of the stand and another showing the stand with the sign he did...

The desert can really get cold at night. I think last night was the coldest so far. I slept under the electric blanket. Last week I cut the girl's hair so that I wouldn't have to groom them again until spring. The end results looks something like this...
Su Chi is not coming out from under covers. She is our Diva Queen. I have coats and sweaters to keep them warm. So, they will do fine and I don't have to worry about them and the long hair.
Well, it is warming up outside so I will close and see what is happening in our little part of the world. I am still dancing with angels... hope you are too. But even if we don't see them just keep on dancing....