Sunday, July 29, 2012


The sun is hanging low as it peeks through the forest casting light upon the shadows. It has been a peaceful day. Almost makes me want to curl up with a good book. The park has emptied of the weekend campers.
Yesterday, we needed to purchase gas for the generator and a few food supplies. So we drove up Highway 20 until we found a large food market. Most small towns have small grocery stores but the prices are high as well the price of gasoline. It was a nice drive with lots of beautiful sights along the way. There was one waterfall that was high up on the snow topped mountain that was georgeous. I took two photos of it. In the close up of it you can see the beauty but not the height, nor the river below the mountain. Still this photo is the best for sharing...

We passed a herd of elk and Phil stopped in the wildlife viewing area so that I could get a picture of them. They were quiet a distance away and I couldn't get the zoom any closer without bluring the image. After I took the photo they spooked and took off for the woods...

Just down the road aways there is a ranch that raises buffalo. They were resting and grazing. Phil dropped me off, went down the road and turned around to pick me back up. I got several nice photos of them. But I think the one I like best is the mama with twins. In the next photo you can see it was a fairly large herd. I didn't get them all in one photo as they were scattered out...

We spotted a little realestate store that was very dressed out with an eagle mural on one side and a driftwood fence on the other. Here is the mural...

The fence looked like someone had drug it up from the river and then carved faces and animals out of it. Guess we know what they do in the long winters up here lol. But seriously, the carvings show talent and are great...

The store also had carved logs out front of it. But I think the best wood carving other then the faces on the driftwood fence has to be the wooden indian in the next town. It stood out front of another realtor's log cabin office...

Earlier in the day Phil took me to see the historic cave that is inside the park area. It was used many years ago by the Native Americans of this area. This photo of it doesn't do it justice as you cannot see the size nor depth...

Here is Phil being the tourist guide lol...

It seems that all of the weeds here have beautiful blooms. I have no idea what the names of them are but here is on example...

While we were shopping Phil caught a fresh salmon right out of the supermarket. He grilled it on an outside fire today and we feasted like royalty. The salmon was acompanied with baked potatoes and salad. That was the first time I had tried salmon that had not been frozen. I am hooked lol.

Well, once again it is that time so I will say.... May Angels Wrap Their Wings Around You and May You Dance Through Life...
Keep On Dancing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Leaving the Hungry Horse Montana area was hard as we didn't want to leave such a beautiful area. We drove a few miles down the road when we saw a "wreck" sign placed at a curve. We watched a wrecker pulling a car onto it's wheels. A man was doing about thirty miles an hour around a sharp curve and hit loose gravel causing the car to skid off the road onto it's top. He wasn't injured but his car will need some body work. We had well laid out plans about where we wanted to arrive at. But getting there is half the fun. I have discovered that I am going to have to start taking notes during the journey. So much happens that I tend to lose the time, places and area in which to place the photos and events.
I do remember Libby, Montana, aka "The City of Eagles"...

Amazing little town with eagles on ever major corner, on signs, on roof tops, and on murals. The one above is on the main street into the business section of town. It reminds me of a gateway. Looks to be wooden but it really is metal that has been painted. Also there are murals everywhere you look, such as this one below...

 But not all murals were eagles as there where elk, mule deer, mountain goats, and bear. As this photo shows...

When we arrived at Farragut Park in Idaho we were not impressed because it was totally geared for the tourist. Even to the point of having a big amusement park just a mile away. It reminded us of Yellowstone and Disney World combined so we drove on down the road. We found a park that was too expensive for what it offered but it did fine for getting a night's rest and moving on down the road the next morning. As we were setting up the camp we looked up to see two young mule deer with their antlers still in velvet. I managed to get a few photos before a crowd of people caused them to leave...

We saw miles and miles of wheat farms. There were also miles of lava rocks scattered throughout them.

Then we went through the Colville Indian Reservation. We were amazed at how friendly the Native Americans were. We have been through other Native American Reservations but didn't find them all that friendly. Here they were the ones that started the conversations and were very enjoyable. At a gas station a guy asked if we were going through the town of Keller. He informed us that it had been declared a disaster area because of a storm the night before. Seems that had we not stopped at the campground when we did then we would have been very close to the area that the storm hit. The photo below was taken at Omak, Washington. It is  a metal works representing Chief Joseph.    

And then we start the climb up into the Cascade Mountains of Northern Washington.  The views are spectacular. Phil decided to pull over to let the traffic pass and take the dogs out...

Phil is alot braver than I am. He went down into the draw to see if he could get a picture of the stream that we were hearing. What he found was a sheer dropoff before he could get to that stream so he came back up without the picture...

After that it was fasten seat belts, lock doors and enjoy the roller coaster ride. I had to replace my camera batteries from taking so many pictures of snowy mountains, lakes, and snow in the forest and near the roads...

The mountain with the snow on top is the area we are headed. Below are a few photos I took on the drive getting there.

And the photo below is the sign for the park campgrounds that we are staying in. We are on what is called the Cascade Loop Scenic Highway. It was constructed in 1979 and until then there were no road in the Northern Cascade Mountains.

We are just a few feet above the creek that runs through the valley. Our campsite is really beautiful and peaceful. But the tent campsites  just below us post bear warnings. One was seen last night at the ranger's station just short distance down the road. There are bear signs all around the area. Phil showed me what to look for like the fresh tearing up of rotten logs as they are looking for grubs.

I will leave you with this wish.... That Angel Wings Surround You and Lift You Up When The Going Gets Tough....Just Keep On Dancing!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


What a beautiful day, how I wish I could share this moment in time. The park is quiet, the sun is shining, birds are singing and the air is clean and crisp. One would think it is early spring not the middle of summer. I wish I could share the cool air, green waters, flowers, and wildlife viewing with my sister Pat and my friend Hannelore. They would love it as much as I. Knowing that I cannot even bottle up this day and send it to them I will instead dedicate today's blog to them.

I will start by sharing yesterday's morning experience. It rained off and on most of the night and so the day had a chill to the air. After my morning coffee I grabbed my camera and went out the door. Halfway down to the lake I spotted a doe on the lower path. I was so in awe of her beauty and grace that I forgot I owned a camera. When I finally remembered something caused her to speed up resulting in no picture taken. Then immediately out of trees steps a eight point buck with his horns still in velvet. I was overwhelmed by this size and beauty. He was amazing. As I lifted my camera and took aim a dog down on the beach barked startling the buck. Off he went in a flash and I got one great blur photograph of a tannish blur with a white rear and black tail. LOL. I rather doubt that the three people down on the beach with their dog ever saw the mule deer as they came through between us. They looked up, saw me rather than the deer that their dog was barking at.

I took a swim in the lake. Really nice if you don't mind the letting your body adjust to the cold waters. Once the shock wears off the water seems warmer and afterward it feels refreshing. It's better then showering with Zest.
Then Phil took me out for a ride on the lake in theboat...

This is one deep lake according to the depth finder. One area was 460 feet deep.  Lots of fish at 100 feet and deeper areas. Specially, the between 150 to 300 foot thermal line depth. Phil is on the lake at this minute trying to catch one.

The views of the islands, the mountains, and the shore from the middle of the lake are awesome. I was amazed to discover that the bald top mountain that we are camped at the base of  actually has a twin...

Then I turned and took a photo of the other side of the lake here is that picture ...

I have came to the realization that the air and water are so clear and pristine that they reflect the colors around them. Be it trees or sky.
Little chipmonks are everywhere and they are busy storing up for the winter...

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels are running hither and there. I think they are named for it's yellowest tan nose. They are the watchers of the forest and are the first to sound the alarm if they see something... 

Here is another photo of the above squirrel as he is getting ready to run from me...

The plants here are beautiful. The only thorns I have seen are on the wild roses. When the sunlight hits upon the daisies they glow. The (boston) fern and spiral plants are things we purchase at the nurseries. It is amazing to see the diversity of the plants growing wild that I have seen in nurseries for sale...

Here is a picture of what Phil's boat looks like off the trailer...

Tomorrow we pack up and begin the journey to Farragut State Park at Sandpoint, Idaho.  I guess this is coming to the end ...

May Angel Wings Surround You and May You Keep On Dancing To The Tune of Life!...

Thursday, July 19, 2012


With the town of Hamilton, Montana in our rearview mirror we were on the road to our next great adventure. There were many stops to look at different campgrounds but none felt right so we continued our climb up into the mountains. The scenes that unfolded before us were amazing and absolutely gorgeous. We topped one mountain to find before us the biggest lake in Montana called "Flathead Lake". It was huge, not expecting such a view I didn't have the camera ready. Shame on me! By the way, the lake is not named for the flathead catfish but rather for the Flathead Tribe of Native Americans. We passed through the Flathead Reservation. Just the other side of the Flathead Lake is the Hungry Horse Reservoir. It is not as wide but close to the same length as Flathead Lake. It has six state parks, three on each side. We are on the east side. I guess you would say we are boondocking. No water, no electric, but there are restrooms. We have electricity using the Honda generator. The park in which we chose to camp at happens to be closing down next Tuesday for renovations. It hasn't been mowed in a while so the grass is high but the good news is that it isn't costing us to stay here. Once again, the Angels are looking out for us.

It is about twenty miles to West Glacier which is on the Canada border.  This area still has some snow on the mountains...

There is an island behind our campsite where a pair of osprey are nesting. They sound alot like the bald eagle. Hearing them drew my attention so I got some pretty good photos. After studying the photos we noticed the black eye stripe and lack of a white tail. Which meant they are osprey and not eagles. Both are big beautiful birds. There is a young one that stays near the nest while the other comes and goes at will. Here are their pictures...

This area is full of beautiful wildflowers, bushes with redberries. As well as  other plants that are putting on fruits. I have not noticed the blue huckleberries that we saw around the Idaho and the Hamilton area.
Although I do see the result of the Asian pine beetle it is less in this area. Resulting in a beautiful view in any direction you chose to look. The green of the grasses and flowers are refreshing to the spirit. But the pristine water in the lake is a sight for the soul. Sometimes it looks like the blueiest of blues and at other times it is emeral green. And so clear it is as if you are looking through glimmering glass...

This has been the real test of the real test of the antenna that we bought for the Verizon Hotspot 4G. It is hard to believe that we have Internet way out here. I guess if we can put a man on the moon then we get the Internet there

I will write more about this area as we will spend a week here. Today I went out with the camera so I have some beautiful photos to share with you. May Angel Wings Lift You and Carry You When The Path is Rocky. May You Keep On Dancing...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Yesterday was a pack up and hit the road day. The day before I said goodbye to the sisters; Linda, Susan, and Karla as they were heading to upper part of the campgrounds. Had to laugh as they walked away and couldn't resist getting a photo...

Duane and Sam were waiting to say their goodbyes to Phil when over walks Duane's kitty...

This is the only part of this new lifestyle that I dislike... the saying of goodbyes.  But you know, I know angels exist because I keep meeting them. They just haven't earned their wings yet. I have a firm belief that earth is just a school for the soul and we are all earning our  wings. But like any school there are those that don't pass to the next grade or level so they have to repeat the lessons. I stand in judgement of no one but I do believe that the people I met and become friends with are making passing grades in life. I am blessed to call them my friends and I truly dance with the angels.
Down the road from the Cottonwood Campgrounds on the banks of the beautiful Salmon River there is an old log sod house homestead that I love. It will make for an outstanding painting of yesteryear...

We saw so many wonders as we traveled up Highway 93. It is a great road for sightseeing. I took some pictures in the Darby area and last night Phil read on the Internet that there was a major fire started there. It must have happened after we had passed through. What I find interesting about it is that we had looked at a campground that was way back up in the boonies. We decided not to stay there although it was a beautiful little campground. Had we chose to stay we could have been in danger with the raging fire that is fed with dying pines. The Asian pine beetle is wiping out so much of our beautiful forest. We were shocked at the looks of the trees in alot of the areas we have passed. Like most invasive species it has no natural enemies. If I remember correctly this beetle was shipped to America as a replacement for our ladybugs. They taste bad  to birds so birds tend to avoid them. When is the last time you saw a real black and red dotted ladybug? The black/brown with tan to yellow dots is the culprit that is destroying our forest. This is taking place across America I know because we had them in Rockdale, Texas which is at the edge of the Lost Pines Area. I think it will take the "public" to stand up and say "enough is enough - cease the importing of alien species into the United State." But will they take the time to do so... who knows?

There is still so much beauty to behold in America. I see it in the people I met, the animals I see, and the land my eyes behold. Some of it just takes your breath away. Such as the snow on the mountains and a Montana hayfield...

Reminds you of the the song "America, the Beautiful", doen't it? But at the same time I "see" the commercial of the Native American Elder with the tear falling down his cheek. My heart aches with the knowledge that America is changing due to invasive species, climate change, and natural disasters.

As we went farther down the road it seemed as if we were playing a game of peekabo with the mountain in the above photo. From every angle that I viewed it's majectic peak I felt the awe of God's creation.

We have arrived safely at Hamilton, Montana and are staying at the Angler's Roost on the banks of the Bitterroot River about three miles south of the town. It's a beautiful day and the air is cool. I know our angels were looking out for us because the lady that booked us in gave us a campsite too small for the rig. Rather then try to get everything in a tiny spot we went back to the office and the owner was there. He let us have a pull-through with full hook ups. I can wash clothes! I never in my life thought I would enjoy doing that! lol

Life is good...treat it like the gift that it is... love much and be happy. Remember only you can chose your attitude. May Angel Wings Surround You and May You Keep On Dancing!...